PS: Creating Normal/ "Bump" Maps for FSX (FSX: SE), and P3D.
A PDF file (currently v4.0) containing instructions for Photoshop Software.
How to... Create a Normal/ Bump Maps with (Diffuse Maps) or without (Albedo Maps) directional light information [Including the use of a height (HM) map]. Also contains instructions for the NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter (standalone).
Photoshop Software
A PDF file (currently v4.0) containing instructions for Photoshop Software.
How to... Create a Normal/ Bump Maps with (Diffuse Maps) or without (Albedo Maps) directional light information [Including the use of a height (HM) map]. Also contains instructions for the NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter (standalone).
Photoshop Software
- NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter (plugin)
- NVIDIA Normal Map filter, NVIDIA DDS plug-in, Mipster, Cube Map Shuffler.
- Found (Photoshop CC Only)::
Texture Tools Exporter
Allows users to create highly compressed texture files from image - Found (Legacy versions of Photoshop 5.0 to CS6): Download Here.
- NVIDIA Graphics (Display) Card is Not Required.
- NVIDIA Texture Tools Exporter (standalone)
- Similar to the above but is a stand-alone application that doesn’t require Photoshop.
- Found:
Texture Tools Exporter
Allows users to create highly compressed texture files from image - NVIDIA Graphics )Display) Card Not Required.