• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. H

    MSFS Making a nice semi reflective window

    I had the same problem some weeks ago.I solved it by transforming the picture I wanted to use for my texture to almost 90% transparent using Gimp.It needs to be so much transparent that it's practically almost invisible when opened with a photo viewer. Therefore,edit your texture photo with Gimp...
  2. H

    Spot light shines through geometry

    ...in my case the lights where below a metal shade and the metal panels I used for the structure where double faced with the normals of each face towards the lights for the down part and the sun for the upper one.Even though the sun light isn't penetrating through the structure on the upper side...
  3. H

    Spot light shines through geometry

    ...Agreed.I'll experiment for a while with blender "spot" light options as it's the only type of light shining through structures as lowest as possible mostly due to the spot lighting specific characteristics throwing light only towards a certain point and the priximate area around it.Only...
  4. H

    Spot light shines through geometry

    ...Exactly the same here,only difference is my lights are placed underneath the structure instead on top of it...Lights shine through the material and the whole structure is illuminated.
  5. H

    Spot light shines through geometry

    I have the same issue no matter which light type (spot,area or point) I use...the lights are visible behind the structure either the structure is illuminated on the opposite side like it has somekind of transparency. However inside blender everything seems normal therefore I also believe it has...
  6. H

    No "Apply" button in Material Editor (?)

    I'll try this way then...Many thanks for the tip! Cheers!
  7. H

    No "Apply" button in Material Editor (?)

    In which way a material for Aprons and/or polygons is added now the "Apply" button in Material Editor is missing?It's impossible to apply a material this way in the last updated SDK version!Or maybe I'm missing something new...! Thank God I just finished my latest project!! Thanks guys!
  8. H

    Parking positions ground services and refuel

    There's a great (as always) video tutorial on the subject by Flying Theston: Sort it out.As for the refueling and the permanent fuel station, is way to large for my small Airfield. Many thanks for your help!
  9. H

    Parking positions ground services and refuel

    So there isn't so simple after all...I'll give a try though...!!! Concerning the fuel parking slot I parked the plane in front of the refueling station,switched engine and all switches off,applied parking brake and but nothing happened.The fuel parking slot is something different than just...
  10. H

    Parking positions ground services and refuel

    Hey guys, I was wondering if there's a way to get rid of the ground services personnel,normally from inside the parking position properties.I added some parking spots in my airfield and I would like to get rid of the services with the trucks & push back personnel.There's even a bus showed up...
  11. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    In the meantime is there any good tutorial (in English) on how to apply on an object with multiple faces different textures & materials on each one of the object's faces,to mapping them correctly in MSFS material params and finally exporting it for use in the sim? Thanks!
  12. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    At last we're back again...!!My latest post made on Wednesday is unfortunately deleted though...!I have to repost it by tomorrow when I'll get back at my main computer.
  13. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    Never heard it...I just took a look to its web page,looks quite intresting!Can a blender created object be edited with this application?Is there a specific way to export the object to be used in there?And after editing, in which way could be exported for use in MSFS?
  14. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    Guys,the model I'm working on lately (actually my 1rst one build from scratch entirely by me) has a different texture assigned to each face,each face has its own.The model is nearly finished and already all pieces are joined to 1 single object.In "MSFS Material Params" each face must be assigned...
  15. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    A simple question this time: The texture .png files must be at specific dimensions to be normaly "accepted" by MSFS"?Because I noticed all texture files MSFS uses by default are perfectly squared like 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 or similar.So besides such perfect squared dimensions could also other...
  16. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    Correct again. Certainly once the completed package goes into community folder all custom objects will normally appear in SDK object list ready to positioned in place.However I think that from the moment any custom object is already placed to a scenery and the scenery is saved and recompiled to...
  17. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    Absolutely correct. And you can place in the same folder structure all your custom objects and their associated textures.Only thing you must remember everytime you make even the slightest change to an existing object and place it along the others to repeate the package builting precedure via...
  18. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    In blender exporter I simply type the word "Texture". By doing so, a new folder called "Texture" is created containing all the associated object textures and is included wherever the 3 exported files (.bin,.xml. & .gltf) are placed.In the beginning I thought the exported files and textures must...
  19. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    In the meantime everything went o.k. with my case,I placed my custom models in their dedicated folders inside packagsources/modelLib and all their textures inside packagsources/modelLib/texture.By using fspackagetool.exe I compiled the scenery package again and placed it inside my community...
  20. H

    MSFS Blender2MSFS support thread

    I see... Concerning this "mysterious secret cache" like situation figure this out: I export from blender an object to replace a similar one, already existing in a project's folder structure.I give it exactly the same name as the one I want to replace.Now all 3 files (.gltf,.bin &.xml has...