• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Thank you a lot for your help Wesley! I just did it using your help inside of [Vcockpit01] section and it works. However, there is a issue... is it possible to position .html gauge file along the texture and apply render size? using coordinates like for regular xml gauges for example...
  2. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Thank you for your detailed replay WesleyLu! Are you able to show me your Panel.cfg entry for HTML gauge on VC ?
  3. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Tnx a lot... $Background is applied on 3D model but HTML5 gauge doesn't won't to render on 3D... for some reason... or I'm still doing something wrong in Panel.cfg... ? Did anyone actually managed to do it ? Gauge HTML code is fine... I'm seeing it on 2D panel regularly...
  4. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Well, thanks... but I'm not sure you understand me completely. This is my input in Panel.cfg [Vcockpit01] file=Background.bmp Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512 visible=1 pixel_size=512,512 texture=$Background HTML_FILE=testjava.html, 10,10,200,400 And besides that it's still not visible...
  5. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Thank you, but this doesn't help neither... I still wondering what could be do cause of not showing it on Virtual Cockpit...
  6. conver

    HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

    Hello! Anyone has an idea how to display HTML gauge on Virtual Cockpit using panel.cfg ? How to make specific entry for this in [VcockpitXX] section to call it ? For 2D [WindowXX] is not a problem, html gauge shows normally... SDK says this: Add the HTML_FILE property (file name with...
  7. conver

    XML vector drawing

    Hello guys. I want to draw a vectors of forces acting on aircraft during flight on 2D gauge using xml which will be updated dynamically as intensity of vectors change. Question... how to draw horizontal line or rectangle which will go left or right from defined starting point ? For instance if I...
  8. conver

    HTML5 + JavaScript VarGet/VarSet or LUA

    Ok guys, little update! There is a communication with Lvar, definitely I managed to do it! Using XML I set some value for my Lvar and then using function VarGet I printed it on HTML gauge using JavaScript! So communication is present. However, I managed just to read value using VarGet function...
  9. conver

    HTML5 + JavaScript VarGet/VarSet or LUA

    As I wrote... SDK doesn't help much and that's why I come here... To find out what I do wrong... http://www.prepar3d.com/SDKv5/LearningCenter.php Even copy/paste example code which reads "indicated altitude" with properly set panel.cfg doesn't work on my P3D v5.1 <!DOCTYPE html> <html>...
  10. conver

    HTML5 + JavaScript VarGet/VarSet or LUA

    Hello guys. As you know P3D v5.1 is now supporting HTML5 with JavaScript just like MSFS2020 I want to try to write and read value from some L var just like an example, but SDK doesn't help much So below is basic HTML setup for gauge. Does anyone know syntax to use functions VarGet and VarSet...
  11. conver

    SimConnect from beginning

    Hello WarpD It's not my code, it's downloaded form GitHub, you didn't read... but anyway those two lines are present will show you in second screenshot, under Form1.cs... However I "was" C++ hobby programmer 9 years ago, and will take me some time to get back. Especially new with NET framework...
  12. conver

    SimConnect from beginning

    Ok Dave, thank you for you response! So... I have Visual Studio 2017 with NET Framework 4.7.2 installed. Also I've downloaded P3D v4 SDK and installed it successfully . Now everything should be running smooth but it's not like that. When I open examples for SimConnect from SDK and click...
  13. conver

    SimConnect from beginning

    Hello guys... I have idea to create some external app which will communicate with P3D using SimConnect and change variable values, however... I'm tired of trying to run samples which comes with P3D v4 sdk witch are not working. So many error messages when trying to build a project... So, please...
  14. conver

    C gauge

    Ah... already read that and Dragonflight Design tutorial, but no luck on understanding where to start... So do I have to start a new .DLL project from Visual Studio wizard at the beginning?
  15. conver

    C gauge

    Hello guys I want to try myself in writing simple C gauge. Most of jobs I have done are using XML... So... I just downloaded Visual Studio Community 2017 how should I set up a new project for a .DLL file?
  16. conver

    P3D v4 Nose Wheel Animation

    Let's make it more simple... <Animation name="center_wheel" guid="" length="360" type="Sim" typeParam2="center_wheel" typeParam="AutoPlay"/> <PartInfo> <Name>center_wheel</Name> <AnimLength>360</AnimLength> <Animation> <Parameter> <Code>(A:CENTER WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE,Degree)</Code>...
  17. conver

    VHF/NAV Frequency set

    Hi Sergio. Be careful, there is a little mistake in upper code. I notice that but forgot to repost. In all code you should replace: (L:NAV1_5,enum) 100 / with: (L:NAV1_5,enum) 1000 /
  18. conver

    VHF/NAV Frequency set

    Here: Maybe it's going to be useful for someone... 3D Parts for modeldef.xml VHF station. <Animation name="gazelle_navpower" guid="" length="150" type="Sim" typeParam2="gazelle_navpower" typeParam="AutoPlay"/> <PartInfo> <Name>gazelle_navpower</Name> <AnimLength>150</AnimLength> <Animation>...
  19. conver

    VHF/NAV Frequency set

    Thank you! But why you always use NAV2_RADIO_SET insted NAV1_RADIO_SET ? I have just active frequency...
  20. conver

    VHF/NAV Frequency set

    Thank you for fast response taguilo. I give 405 for example but as you said it's not good example, I agree. I want to create 3D cylinders with numbers for setting NAV1 (active frequency) because I don't have NAV2. Here is a picture of panel which I want to create: So all 6 cylinders have 10...