• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. T

    Custom Polyline Building?

    Hi, does anyone know how to add custom polyline buildings to the extrusion.xml to use them with different textures without overwriting the default ones? My attempt was to simply copy a polyline entry in that xml but it refers to two different GUIDS for MaterialSetReference and...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Hi, just an information about my problems if you´ll ever come accross the same issues: My main mistake was to forget the flag "skinned" of one material. Second I was trapped by the "," "." issue on my laptop with gmax. So make sure your languages settings use a point as decimal separation...
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    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Is there something special with the gmax objects of the "demo jetway" ? For instance it is impossible for me to add a custom made stair (with steps), it will allways be on the ground in FSx beside the jetway. Same with the simple LegCaps. Using mine will cause them to be at ground, using the...
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    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    thanx. No luck with the hood. And 3dsmax still shows all that animation error messages. Will rework my imported jetway in gmax. The "not so funny" thing is that some of my imported 3dsmax meshes from gmax won´t work. I cannot see any reason why my importetd rotunda f. i. should not work, but...
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    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Hi, I copied the entries from the 1.2 SDK files with date 01.12.2015 into my modeldef.xml. (attached the final modeldef file, maybe I messed it up?) The max hood of SDK 1.2 will unfortunately not open in max 2008 because it is from a more recent version. Th.
  6. T

    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Hi Jeffrey, about 3dsMax 2008: Don´t know what went wrong, but when exporting the skinned and boned file 3ds 2008 shows the message "No definition found for animation "SODE_Jetway_Root_Rotation_CTRL" followed by "Ending an anmiation which was´nt started Node=BONE_ROOT...
  7. T

    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Hi Jeffrey, thanx for the reply Regarding the maxscript: Good news. Just made a quick test in Max2008 and script seems to run (had no correct jetway to export so far). Since the "texture/no texture" bug seems to be related to gmax somehow I´ll setup a new jetway in 3dsmax tomorrow and hopefully...
  8. T

    [SOLVED] Jetway skinning and export probs

    Hi, currently we are experimenting with the SODE technique to use it for our sceneries as an optional choice. Working on the export of a jetway model in gmax I got 2 strange errors. The "skinning" process works fine until Animation Text is shown. But when exporting the gmax MDL file gmax posts...
  9. T

    .:Default.xml error:.

    Hi, check that the default.xml is present at that directory. Otherwise you have to copy it from the FSX main directory to the SDK directory mentionend at your screen message first. Thorsten
  10. T

    UTM-WGS84 conversion problem

    Hi Arno, yes i did that also with the -s_srs "+proj=utm +zone31 +datum ED50" tag like in your example which is exactly what my source files are (UTM, zon31, datum ED50), but the result is the same as using the -t_srs only. Also changing ED50 in -s_srs line to WGS84 didnt solve it. The result...
  11. T

    UTM-WGS84 conversion problem

    OK, have to answer it myself.:o The problem is, despite I missed the correct conversion method with FWtools, that it wont work with FWtools. Now I used GlobalMapper (unfortunately a 299 $ programm) but it works perfect and it is worth every dime for me! UTM ED50 to LatLong WGS84 reprojection...
  12. T

    UTM-WGS84 conversion problem

    Hi, I got aerial pictures in UTM zone 31N Datum ED50 format and tried to convert them to WGS84 for MS FSX resampling. This is how i did: a) opened the *.ecw fle with OpenEV_FW and exported it as a GeoTiff. b) converted the geoTiff file with FWtools using hte following command to WGS84...
  13. T

    Are LODs broken in FSX?

    Hi Arno, as far as I understood batching is only done for default and custom Autogen objects and not for custom scenery objects. Which would not make sense to break the scenery objects LOD system, so I may be wrong.:rolleyes: But I never recognized a better performance having several same...
  14. T

    Are LODs broken in FSX?

    Hi, the only 100% working solution to have working LOD´s in FSX SP2 (ACC) is to add a simple FSX animated polygon somewhere down the object (place it -5m that it is unvisible). The new "batching" engine of Sp2 will skip the batching process if it founds an animated part inside the BGL file...
  15. T

    New Jetway IK Tutorial Available

    A big thank you to everyone involved. That´s absolutely what I´ve been waiting for since month. Thorsten
  16. T

    how do I set guid and friendly name?

    when you setup the gmax and FSX SDk right you should see a new entry "FSTools" in the gmax headline beneth "Help"
  17. T

    how do I set guid and friendly name?

    simply use the FSX LODname tool in gmax. Thorsten
  18. T

    [fsx] Any Mdl Tweaks Discovered?

    Hi imoelleb, empty LOD´s of course dont higher the data amount, but it is not a very reliable technique as the LOD visibility range also depends on the size of the object. Making hundreds of files with LOD´s is a mess and a lot of try and error. I would really like to use the visibility range...
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    [fsx] Any Mdl Tweaks Discovered?

    Hi to all, just wondering if somebody found a way to tweak FSX MDL´s, specially for reducing the visible distance like we could do it with FS9 MDL´s? Using LOD technique is a mess, only causing huge data files and low fps. Without such tweaking the use of FSX SDK seems to be quite...
  20. T

    What to enter for min and max?

    Hi Arno, finally...... after some more testings I discovered that the problem is caused by another reason. I wanted to tweak an approach light (just BGL light Light_Nav) that it will only show at a special NAV1 setting and in dependence to the wind direction. But finally i discovered that the...