• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. JimBrown

    Editing an ADE file in FS2020

    This should answer your question: http://scruffyduck.org.uk/ade_2020_help/TwoWayEditing.html ...jim
  2. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Where to get the correct version of ADE?

    Main version and hotfix 4 here: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/ade-2020-alpha-21-hotfix-4.454244/ Hotfix 5 here: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/ade-2020-alpha-21-hf5.455259/ You will need to install the main program, followed by hotfix 4, followed by hotfix 5. ...jim
  3. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Import SDK-project

    Have a peek at this: http://www.scruffyduck.org.uk/ade_2020_help/TwoWayEditing.html ...jim
  4. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Hold short marking width's

    MSFS uses "aprons" to draw taxiways. It does not use "TaxiwayPaths" to draw the taxiway itself. However, the hold short line uses the TaxiwayPath width to draw the hold short line. You have two options: 1. Edit the width of the TaxiwayPath leading into the hold short node to the appropriate...
  5. JimBrown

    MSFS20 ADE 2020 Alpha 21 HF5

    Why do you have Microsoft Store stuff in your [F20] section? Here's mine: [F20] suppliedBy=steam steamapplicationPath=G:\SteamClient\steamapps\common\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\ steamconfigsPath=G:\Users\jbwin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator steamcontentPath=G:\FlightSim...
  6. JimBrown

    MSFS20 ADE 2020 Alpha 21 HF5

    If one is comfortable editing the settings.ini file, the update can be done with two steps. 1. Unzip the HF and copy the four files over the existing files. 2. Edit the Settings.ini file (in the FS20 folder) to change the FsPath as outlined above. Start ADE and have fun! ...jim
  7. JimBrown

    MSFS20 ADE with more erros

    If you know exactly which BGL the airport is contained in, then yes by using "Create project from MSFS BGL". It is "Create project from stock" that currently does not work. ...jim
  8. JimBrown

    MSFS20 ADE with more erros

    Are you using the SU9 Beta? SU9 Beta changed the location of the stock airport BGL's. If that holds for today's expected SU9 release, then ADE will require an update to find those BGL's. I believe Jon mentioned that he will get that done as soon as he's back from vacation (or something like...
  9. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Error Code

    Since so many programs/apps rely on vcruntime dll's, any time I install Windows one of the first things I do is visit here: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/, grab the latest download and install it. Every now and then I'll check the site...
  10. JimBrown

    MSFS20 SU9 has moved the stock airport BGL's

    Correct, SU9 Beta. And I'm almost positive that is a change that will be there when SU9 releases. It looks like a very deliberate move on Asobo's part to me. I posted this here to let anyone else running into this "error" why it is happening. ...jim
  11. JimBrown

    MSFS20 SU9 has moved the stock airport BGL's

    Hi Jon, SU9 has moved the stock airport BGL's from: [path to official]\[Steam/Onestore]\fs-base\scenery to: [path to official]\[Steam/Onestore]\fs-base-genericairports\scenery As a result, ADE can't create a new project from MSFS Stock. The error message is: Regards, ...jim
  12. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Premium vs Default airports in ADE

    I've also done a few default airports. Mostly just removing extraneous hold short nodes. A couple have parking updates, but none have parking codes (don't know where to get those). ...jim
  13. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Premium vs Default airports in ADE

    My understanding of the issue is that the katl-airport.bgl in the official folder does not contain the entire airport, it only contains the changes and additions from the stock airport. The sim loads the stock airport information first, then loads the official folder addon information, merging...
  14. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Premium vs Default airports in ADE

    I don't think it is the designers fault. The fault is with Asobo when they decided to integrate all that stuff into a single airport BGL file. There are pros and cons to the way scenery is loaded in the sim. One of the pros is that it is much easier to package and distribute mods to stock...
  15. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Premium vs Default airports in ADE

    I should have also noted that it is the same deal for "payware" airports purchased via the market place. They are also encrypted. But at least with those it might be possible to ask the developer to make the appropriate changes/updates. ...jim
  16. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Premium vs Default airports in ADE

    I'm seeing some confusion around standard and premium or premium deluxe versions of airports. While airports that are available in the premium or premium deluxe editions are also available in the standard edition, they are "enhanced" or "hand crafted" in the premium or premium deluxe editions...
  17. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Status of Fault Finder

    Thanks! I shall continue messing around with things. ...jim
  18. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Status of Fault Finder

    The airport I've been working with is CYUL, Montreal. I've attached an export of the faults found. I'm guessing that many of these are not really faults, per se. I should note that these were found before making any changes to the airport, the project had just been created in ADE from MSFS...
  19. JimBrown

    MSFS20 Status of Fault Finder

    Hi Jon, I'm starting to look into fixing airport taxiways and parking so that the new AIG AI program works a little better (I know that AIG simply injects AI airplanes with flight plans, which then use the MSFS AI subsystem to do their thing). I've used the Fault Finder to find things, but...
  20. JimBrown

    MSFS20 VASI problem

    Known issue, being worked on. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/ade20-and-vasi.453028/ Regards, ...jim