• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Autopilot settings

    My opinion, this is not caused by the airplane or autopilot. The reason is in the scenery. Try to fly different airports and compare the results. As developer I had the same issue with my airport during Airbus approaches. Then I optimized the ILS settings in my airport and it fits perfect.
  2. Peter Hornfeck

    SDK ERROR - Parking not linked to main graph

    I select a taxiway node first, than with Ctrl Left Mouse Button the parkposition. Than right click menu create path. And it saves the scenery even if the message could not save is shown. Because when I opened my scenery saved with errors, a polygon was in the scenery which I add before.
  3. Peter Hornfeck

    SODE Jetway in GMAX Head and Wheels not on the right place

    3 years ago, sorry I forgot because now only using Blender and creating for FS2020.
  4. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    So busy, so a short summary: 1. The hood should only use 4 bones each side for the bending part. Maybe like this: The two top bones are not on the picture, but they are also needed. If I used more than these 4 bones to make the bending more smooth, the hood was always deformed after export...
  5. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    Sometimes doing it perfect is too much. I will upload a new version of the tutorial 3 tomorrow and also post a picture here how to do it without any deformation and without weight painting. But now I'm too tired.
  6. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 VDGS Solution (Paid)

    There is a solution with simple LODs.
  7. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 VDGS Solution (Paid)

    Why not develope your own VDGS?
  8. Peter Hornfeck

    Visual Guidance System

    My airport has no one. So I did not develope it. For Distance you could use LODs. And for left and right a transparent texture. I noticed light can be visible only from one side. A combination of LOD models could do the job. I do not know it would be possible to read a simvar to use it in a...
  9. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    I opened the gtlf file. The names are all different from the xml file. Empty01 in xml, Empty_01 in the model. The same for other nodes. A model can only be loaded if the names are in both files the same.
  10. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    Not sure, seems nothing wrong. I'm using <IKConstraint> <Node>Pivot</Node> <Pitch/> <Bank/> <Heading/> </IKConstraint> <IKConstraint> <Node>Slider_Top</Node> <Y min="4.70" max="4.70"/> </IKConstraint> <IKConstraint>...
  11. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    There will be a mistake in the xml file. For example missing /> or other sign. You could post the file I could have a look on it.
  12. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    Try to see the red 179 errors only (disable the other with clicking on the warnings and messages. Than filter by the name of your model.
  13. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Custom Jetways

    Hello, no the stairs are not animated. Maybe it looks like, but so far I did not found a way to animate the stairs. And I own some airports of very good developers, which have no animated jetways. They also have no sound for the jetway. It seems, this is not working in the current FS2020 versions.
  14. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Custom Jetways

    Looks like the chain of the connected nodes are wrong. The base of the jetway only will move up and down. The round part only turns to right and left. The behavior is set in the xml file with constrains. There is no need for bones, only for the hood animation. I made a tutorial you can find...
  15. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 ImageTool

    That's bad the Package Tool always create the dds files. Maybe some people know why it is bad and they using ImageTool. ;)
  16. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 New update, New SDK issues

    I had this before the last two updates. Now it is working. The message is not shown in front, but it did not block the whole sim. Also this update was fast and without any problems. The update to xbox compatible version before destroyed everything. I had reinstall windows 10 and also newest xbox...
  17. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Model XML file is not valid, only reading glTF file

    Why are so many dots in your file? And no brackets for the guid. You should use Notepad++ Notepad++ web <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ModelInfo guid="{15d84266-d599-4242-867a-0d240dc3dd10}" version="1.1"> <Animation.name="BeaconLights" guid="{cf3c0cff-1246-4e58-b247-aea9dc4907b3}"...
  18. Peter Hornfeck

    Blender 2.92.3 models not showing up in MSFS

    Do not know what happened. I use 2.83 to 3.00 Blender versions and no problems. Maybe it is a problem with your xml definition file. I use something like this entry <AssetGroup Name="airportname-modelLib"> <Type>ArtProj</Type> <Flags>...
  19. Peter Hornfeck

    MSFS20 Blender Tutorial Animated Jetway HERE!

    Part 4 light animation can be downloaded at https://www.flightdeckmagazin.com It is easy, so I write a summary here: 1. Make a spot light in Blender 2. Choose the color you like 3. Check Symmetrie true 4. Roation Speed = 60 5. Make the Head of the jetway parent to the light 6. Give the Light a...