• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. beroun

    FS2004 Create Flattens

    Hi ScuffyDuck. Tried this. The flatten was made OK. I was also able to place objects on it but not runway?
  2. beroun

    FS2004 Create Flattens

    Hi Chris, Surprise to hear this. I tried on number of ocassions and could not download SBuilder to my W10 64bit machine. My colegue could not do it on W11 either. Any clues?
  3. beroun

    FS2004 Create Flattens

    Hi Tom, to my knowledge it is not Flatten, it is exclusion rectangle to clear the default scenery.
  4. beroun

    FS2004 Create Flattens

    Hi, Years ago I was using S-Builder to create Flattens (LWM2.bgl and VTPP.bgls were created and I could place my new ADE airport on the flatten). Since I got W10 for some reason the available S-Builder cannot be uploaded (heard the same issue is with W11). Is there any alternate way I could...
  5. beroun

    FS2004 Use actual terminal picture as an object in ADE

    Many Thanks Gary. Much appreciated. Cheers.
  6. beroun

    FS2004 Use actual terminal picture as an object in ADE

    Sounds great Tom. Do not even know if I should start poking into this. I use ADE a lot, even do some own panel designs, airports, approaches but this is the field I am not too familiar with. You can see in my Flightsim KPLU airport download - just using the available freeware libraries...
  7. beroun

    FS2004 Use actual terminal picture as an object in ADE

    Thanks Guenther, Could you possibly send me the links for correct Blender and Sketchup downloads. Have searched but there seem to be options. Also in these, can the pictures be used to create objects for ADE library ( bgls and guids-Thimbnailsme included). Want to enhance KINT airport for...
  8. beroun

    FS2004 Use actual terminal picture as an object in ADE

    Hi, I am often using ADE to enhance airports but always just use the default or free ware available add-on object libraries. BUT: I now would like to use the actual terminal building to show at the airport (got pictures). Which would be the best and hopefully user friendly sowtware to achieve...
  9. beroun

    FS2004 ID Texture bmp files

    Thanks Chris. All clear now. Best Regards.
  10. beroun

    FS2004 Remove Stock Airport from bgl

    Oh sorry. Senior moment. Yes was answered already. Cheers Guenther
  11. beroun

    FS2004 Remove Stock Airport from bgl

    Many Thanks Gents. Makes lot of sense. Just one Q. I would like ATC to call my new KPLU airport "Pierce" just like it calls 1S0. It calls it now K.P.L.U! I got Edit Voice Pack but there does not seem to be an option to do this change.
  12. beroun

    FS2004 Remove Stock Airport from bgl

    Hi, Need to remove stock 1S0 from AP915150.bgl. 1S0 does not exist anymore! Am repplacing it with correct and ADE enhanced KPLU airport. NAMW\scenery\AP915150.bgl contains many airports, is there any way I can remove 1S0 from bgl? Thanks for any advise.
  13. beroun

    FS2004 ID Texture bmp files

    The Scenery folder contains the bgl files, which can be added to ADE Scenery Manager - example, there is a bgl file added, which has 20 objects. Providing these objects are in the ADE Thumbs folder, they can be added (using ADE) as one of the library objects. THIS IS CLEAR TO ME. BUT: Is there...
  14. beroun

    FS2004 ATC to call ADE modified airport by its Name

    Guenther, Tom Many Thanks. Will give it a try. Cheers
  15. beroun

    FS2004 ATC to call ADE modified airport by its Name

    Hi Guenther, Firstly hope all is well in Grmany. Bit iffy here:) US I mean. Regret your download was stopped by my McAffe, so no luck there. But I will play with EVP. Cheers (Prost)
  16. beroun

    FS2004 ATC to call ADE modified airport by its Name

    Hi. I am familiar with EVP. But default Pierce call sign must already be there because it reacts to 1S0. I just need it to react to the changed KPLU airport code.
  17. beroun

    FS2004 ATC to call ADE modified airport by its Name

    HI, Have just modified the default 1S0 Pierce airport in Washington State by ADE. Have changed the name to correct KPLU (current new airport designation) using ADE ProKey Plugin, also added some scenery and traffic..... the usual stuff. Airport looks great! BUT. The ATC now calls airports...
  18. beroun

    FS2004 Orphaned ILSs show in GPS

    Thanks Guenther. Actually managed to do this easily in ADE approach page. Just deleted the duplicates there. Cheers Peter
  19. beroun

    FS2004 Orphaned ILSs show in GPS

    Hi, Have orpaned some default ILSs and replaced with my own. All works fine but when selecting approach in GPS, the orphaned ILSs show in the selection on top of the list together with my new ones on the bottom. Is there any way to make sure the orphaned ILSs DO NOT show in GPS? Thanks for any...