• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. JRobinson

    Creating Photo Scenery From Older Satellite Images

    Don't hit the "Calibrate" button at that point, just hit the OK button and you're done.
  2. JRobinson

    Shrinking files for photoreal scenery

    That's it, and if you click the little "View" button next to the "attached files" XML link it shows you this: Coordinate Representation: Abscissa Resolution: .6 Ordinate Resolution: .6 Planar Distance Units: meters And from Wikipedia, since I'd never seen X and Y called "abscissa" or...
  3. JRobinson

    Shrinking files for photoreal scenery

    Note that the example I showed above were the exact same tiles, same location, same date, same resolution, sourced from the same camera in the same airplane on the same flyover mission. The difference was that one was downloaded compressed as a .jp2 (70.9 MB) and the other was downloaded as a...
  4. JRobinson

    Shrinking files for photoreal scenery

    I still have these sources on hand so I did this again, this time without personally professing them to be 47 cm or 60 cm, purely the unadulterated results of running gdalinfo on the two sources before and after reprojecting them. Source 1 the input: m_3710750_se_13_060_20190909.tif, 489 MB...
  5. JRobinson

    Shrinking files for photoreal scenery

    IMO that pixel size is embedded in the .jp2s rather than detected by calculations based on px resolution vs lat/lon degrees covered. If the person uploading them decides to embed 0.60000000 when he meant 0.000006 or maybe 0.6 means 60cm in whatever program he uses to reproject, that's what...
  6. JRobinson

    Creating Photo Scenery From Older Satellite Images

    No you don't need to reproject to WGS84, if you're saving your .tif as a .bmp and calibrating that in SBuilder the NAD83 projection will work fine. Resample will choke on a NAD83 .tif when that info is stored in the .tif as geodata but a .bmp can't store geodata so as long as the coords and xDim...
  7. JRobinson

    P3D v4 Elevation Data including "missing data"

    I downloaded the 1/3 arc-second USGS_13_n33w118.tif , reprojected it to WGS84, did gdalinfo on that and determined the NoData Value to be -999999. I put NullValue = -999999 in the .inf and resampled it. I see no anomalies like that and there's nothing showing -575m in TMFViewer (or the sim)...
  8. JRobinson

    P3D v4 resample cannot open bmp file

    I'm not much help with Gimp but I can replicate the first error using the default export .bmp settings in Gimp. If I check "do not write color space information" then resample completes successfully. Jim
  9. JRobinson

    P3D v4 resample cannot open bmp file

    SourceDir= SourceFile=
  10. JRobinson

    P3D v4 Altitude / crash issue for island

    Drop this into your scenery folder and you'll see that you can now land on your island.
  11. JRobinson

    P3D v4 Altitude / crash issue for island

    IIRC you have to make a raster landclass over the island (because there probably isn't any there if it's water by default in the sim). https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?321946-Island-not-showing-on-FSX-map&p=2110751#post2110751
  12. JRobinson

    Problem with Orbx.

    So what addon is it from Orbx that's causing the problem? Because the only thing I see that has anything to do with that area is Vector which I have installed. Maybe I'm missing something. I've done a top-down search of my P3D folder and I found one file that has something to do with WMKK and...
  13. JRobinson

    P3D v4 GUIDs for ScenProc forests

    Oops, I probably would've cropped that out if I'd noticed! That's Winamp 3 BTW, released in 2002 for WinXP - but I haven't found an mp3 decoder I like better in all these years, all the new ones sound terrible IMO. It's partially broken in Win7 but it still plays mp3s without mucking them up so...
  14. JRobinson

    P3D v4 GUIDs for ScenProc forests

    Google fails miserably on something obscure like this. I used the "Find" function in the annotator on the default autogendescriptions.spb from FSX.
  15. JRobinson

    P3D v4 GUIDs for ScenProc forests

    e8b937fd-a1f2-4bd5-8548-2c80d30102af is "Terrain Autogen Class Small Leaf Mixed Woods" and it is a default autogen class so OK to use. I've been using ModelEntry GUIDs with scenProc rather than groupings as I detailed in this thread...
  16. JRobinson

    On fraction bits

    I've found out Windows won't let you "setlocal enabledelayedexpansion" from a command line which is why I could only get this to work from a batch file. Delayed expansion is what allows the loop to walk through and reset the %filename% and %shortname% variables FOR each .tif in the %dems%...
  17. JRobinson

    On fraction bits

    This is probably sloppy but it works. Problem is it works from a batch file but for some reason it's not working straight from the command line. I'll study it a bit and see if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. set dems=G:\Projects\New_Mexico_mesh_project\sources set output=D:\Temp2\temp...
  18. JRobinson

    On fraction bits

    I'd probably just use a quick & dirty rename after they were reprojected, first running something like dir /b USGS_13*.tif > tifs.txt which would result in a "tifs.txt" document listing all the files. I'd then open that in Textpad and use it's advanced coding functions like "block select mode"...
  19. JRobinson

    ScenProc script suggestions

    Hi Chris, But it works OK without the -i? That's strange, I've been using one like that and I just ran it, took about a second to write a 18756 x 12505px .tif. Is your blendmask .shp really huge? Mine is roughly 60nm vertically and 50nm horizontally with about 25,000 points.
  20. JRobinson

    On fraction bits

    That's 2018 60cm NAIP off earthexplorer.usgs.gov. Unfortunately the "compressed" (.jp2) downloads weren't available for this area so I had to download about 6 Gb in .tifs for the immediate airport area. The outlying 1m imagery came off TNM, I think it's 2014 but I grabbed a few chunks of 2016 1m...