• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. D

    FSX:SE Memory error?

    Tom gave good advice. Ultimate cause is FSX using a memory model limited to 2 GB. Contributing cause is FSX does not release memory when scenery and objects no longer used -- it fills up the memory until crash or sim restart. As you know, complex aircraft add-ons also take up memory. I...
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    FSDeveloper Wiki

    Might also be necessary to use a captcha for the login, because login/password/cookie can be done by an automated process.
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    Put Blender 3D model inside airplaine cockpit ?

    There is a video of someone doing so. I have not tried it yet.
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    Again, to be clear, what I am saying is: DDS is a file container. Most of the time it contains compressed files, but by itself it has nothing to do with the matter. The compression we use (for the files inside the DDS) cannot be [perfectly] reversed because the compressions we use are lossy...
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    Just for clarity, of course the texture is modified before compressing . . . by the painter. And it is important to follow the advice for transparency, etc. We also want to avoid confusion between DDS and compression. DDS is a container file format, not a compression itself. DDS was designed...
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    Hey Marc, I need to point out an error in the earlier reply. I said BC7 was equivalent to DXT5, that is wrong, rather it is BC3. BC refers to "Block Compression." It is the general family of texture compression methods which have become something of an industry standard...
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    This sparked my interest, so I had to look into it. When examining textures from the Official folder, it seems the majority of fuselage textures have been DXT1 compressed (no alpha), makes sense because it saves space. Decals and other textures that have transparent areas use DXT5 compression...
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    Marc, I use the Nvidia texture tools for all conversions https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-exporter It is a desktop application, does not need extensive instruction for compression type use: BC3 for textures with alpha [transparent areas] ~= DXT5 BC1 for textures...
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    MSFS20 Livery questions ! Newbie Question

    Marc, I do not know what xml file you are speaking of -- not for repainting. Frankly, I put together repaint packages by hand, with a bit of help from MSFSLayoutGenerator. Nothing at all in msfs itself is used. https://github.com/HughesMDflyer4/MSFSLayoutGenerator It would be useful to look...
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    Fix for bright green trees P3Dv5?

    In v4 was fixed by turning off 3D Dynamic Vegetation (then restart sim).
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    Sketchup to Blender issue?

    Been some time since I used Sketchup, so memory of when the welding takes place. I vaguely recall it is whenever a plane is intersected by another, . . . which would imply they are welded at the moment they touch. Of course test by moving one or the other, if the second object is deformed...
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    Sketchup to Blender issue?

    It is best to avoid those lines because mostly because it makes the model's geometry more complex than necessary (more memory use, etc). In addition, it also makes texturing more difficult. They are occurring because other elements (such as the cylinder) are melded into the plane/wall which...
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    MSFS20 How to properly implement MARS in MSFS2020?

    I don't know about "proper," but in the picture you showed at top, only one aircraft will park or spawn. You probably want to review this thread about parking size radii https://fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/the-parking-stand-radii-they-are-not-what-they-seem.451632/#post-887997
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    MSFS20 Any NavData tutorials?

    I would suggest first googling "approach leg types" for a little background. Then comparing some real-world charts to the way ADE does them. I don't know the exact state of the SDK at the moment, but historically, sim sdks have not fully implemented the rw specifications. Finally, some...
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    MSFS20 How can I change runway markings to look like this?

    Create the runway with no markings, overlay with aprons with a texture of your own creation.
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    MSFS20 Coordinates for photo

    You can use SASPlanet which can access Bing satellite imagery (also coded for other sources, but availability has been variable over time). When saving a selected area, there is an option to also create a georeference file (.kml is easy) with the exact coordinates to be used in ADE. - Click an...
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    I imagine the easiest way to get high fidelity would be to lower the area grossly, then place a model created in Blender, properly colored and made landable. Of course, that also brings in the issue of seasons and weather, but that is possible to manage.
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    Are multiple objects separated by many miles in one package more taxing than each in a separate package?

    I don't know the answer for the OP, but here's the chain of reasoning that makes me say "Trivially minute difference." Keeping in mind that it is not possible to add a package to the sim after starting. We also know that the sim has some degree of memory management, not keeping all loaded...
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    Use name tag for GUID

    The entire purpose of the GUID is to create a reliably unique identifier -- which operates across multiple systems, areas of interest, domains throughout the creative world. If authors were to begin circumventing this system to create the GUID by encoding object information, this would impact...
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    FSXA Repainting Help

    There is also commonly overlap (extra space) on the textures to ease the repaint between model sections. This can result in offsets in the paint. You might find it useful to count the number of pax windows of the model (in MCX) and the number of windows on the texture.