• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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Search results

  1. M

    MSFS20 Hijack input events using B:Vars!

    Thanks to the OP for posting this. I really struggled with this until seeing this thread. I need to block and/or modify default flight surface inputs to model a complex hydraulic system and this code should get me going in the right direction.
  2. M

    I'm working on aircraft... (2023)

    L1011 work in progress for MSFS. For the most part still no textures. Obviously I've done a livery but no detail of any kind on the exterior model yet. The odd part in the VC is textured but most are not.
  3. M

    MSFS20 Having trouble with wing flex and Blender to MSFS exporter

    Finally got it to work. The animations for the wing part bones need to be pushed down into NLA tracks. Also, I am using the Asobo exporter and it's necessary to uncheck the channel muting boxes in the NLA editor or the various animations on the one armature will mix in the sim. With the boxes...
  4. M

    MSFS20 Having trouble with wing flex and Blender to MSFS exporter

    So thanks to Bancal's post, I have a nicely animated wingflex in the sim. But I am at a loss as to how to get the animations set up for the ailerons, flaps and so on. I understand how to create the armature bones but I can't figure out how to assign individual animation names to individual...
  5. M

    MSFS20 Having trouble with wing flex and Blender to MSFS exporter

    I found my error. I followed the SDK which gives a naming convention for the bones that differ from what the xml file uses. I have the basic flex working correctly, still need to try with the attached bits. To answer my own questions, it's correct that one does not actually animate the flex...
  6. M

    MSFS20 Having trouble with wing flex and Blender to MSFS exporter

    Still not getting anywhere with this. I take it all that I am not supposed to actually animate the bones controlling wing flex in Blender? The sim somehow knows how to rotate or translate them? Also, I don't understand the instruction to delete the vertex groups. Aren't these needed for the...
  7. M

    MSFS20 MSFS Asobo Official Blender exporter

    Nothing you actually need, no.
  8. M

    MSFS20 2D gauges conversion by Legacy Importer

    Thanks, That's very helpful -- I'll give it a try.
  9. M

    MSFS20 2D gauges conversion by Legacy Importer

    My thanks to the OP who made this tool. I have used it to get started with html gauges as I need several of these in the aircraft I am developing. The old xml ones work as intended except they go black without an emissive property which isn't going to work for me as the gauges in question are...
  10. M

    MSFS20 Having trouble with wing flex and Blender to MSFS exporter

    Very happy to see this. I'll try it when I'm able. Merci beaucoup pour ca!
  11. M

    MSFS20 glTF-Blender-IO-MSFS / import export Addon

    I see that I misstated my problem in the post above. Parented object with animations are OK. The problem is when I try to parent an armature to an animated object, the animated object won't animate in the sim. I have the same problem with the FBW exporter. When I import a default model, I...
  12. M

    MSFS20 glTF-Blender-IO-MSFS / import export Addon

    I installed the stable version for Blender 2.92. I have to say I find the different versions and branches somewhat confusing -- not really sure if this is supposed to be a reasonably complete working version. So far just playing around with importing aircraft models including my own. For...
  13. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    At this point I just want to understand how the default system works, find the code to manipulate it and so on. Then I can build a default system to the extent it's possible to simulate the read deal, and then integrate that into whatever custom coded additions or overlays I need to add on.
  14. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    Back to a point that MarioPilot raised, it seems we are able to write directly to A variables, at least in some cases. After getting somewhat frustrated in not being able to turn off bus connections in the way that Asobo apparently does it, I tried the following, which worked: 0 (>A:BUS...
  15. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    While on the topic of the electrical system, does anyone know what the three numbers are following "power" in the circuit data lines? The second appears to be watts, but I don't know what the others represent.
  16. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    I'm simply going to move on. The irony is that I don't even intend to use the default fuel pumps as turning off boost pumps shouldn't shut down the engines on my aircraft, which is the default behaviour. I simply picked the boost pumps to get started understanding how to set up the electrical...
  17. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    I can even see my N1 needle dip slightly when the circuit goes off for a split second. But then it climbs back to idle right away. I note that the fuel pump switches don't seem to have any effect in the default 747 so maybe this a bug in the sim itself.
  18. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    Thanks for the reply. Have you really seen this work: 1 (>A:CIRCUIT SWITCH ON:13,bool) ? Writing to an A:Var? I tried it after reading your post and it didn't work for me. I had the condition in my code temporarily because something unknown was setting the value to one (ON) and I wanted...
  19. M

    MSFS20 Baffled by electrical system

    I have been getting started with the electrical system on my L1011 project. I have to say that the way Asobo has set this up makes it so easy to create a complex system; I just can't get it to work. I have set up my generators and buses, but I'm having problems with the circuits. I've started...
  20. M

    MSFS20 Porthole material doesn't export properly from Blender

    I couldn't get it to display properly, so I have put the windows aside for a while to work on other things. I set up just a single window to try and get it working. Essentially, the rectangle behind the window appears transparent in the sim so there is really nothing to show in a screen shot...