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Search results

  1. Nervegas

    MSFS20 KVGT - North Las Vegas Airport

    I've made progress in fits on it, but it unfortunately fell to the backburner when I got busy with life. I do plan to eventually get around to finishing it, but if anyone wants the assets to work on so we can collab they are more than welcome to DM me.
  2. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Fieseler Fi-156 'Storch'

    Just a few quick shots from in sim testing tonight.
  3. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Fieseler Fi-156 'Storch'

    Just a few more texture updates, its coming along really well. Still some more modeling/cleanup to do before wrapping up the textures, but its getting close to being ready for animations, sounds and systems logic.
  4. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Fieseler Fi-156 'Storch'

    Just some in-sim testing, very happy with how well the result in blender translated.
  5. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Fieseler Fi-156 'Storch'

    Couldn't help but post a quick little update with the finished seat and improved prop.
  6. Nervegas

    Optimize the scenery to avoid FPS drop

    Optimization is a combination of things not just the raw pixel size of the original texture. Using the statistics profiler and LOD debug overlay in the scenery editor will give you an idea of how many drawcalls, polygons etc are being displayed at each LOD level as you move around the scenery...
  7. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Fieseler Fi-156 'Storch'

    Figured I would post some WIP shots here too, been hard at work getting the modeling and texturing done on the Storch. Everything is being modeled in Blender and textured in Substance. Happy to share any workflow tips/tricks if folks have questions on anything.
  8. Nervegas

    Spot light shines through geometry

    Unfortunately I was never able to get arrays or instancing to work with lights, I believe its a limitation in how gltf's are exported that each light needs its own origin. I just setup the parent lights how I wanted and then copied them across to every lamp. For these lamps their origin is...
  9. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Ground Decals

    Unless there is some need to alter the rain/snow fx on the ground texture, using the material parameters will save on draw calls and vram usage.
  10. Nervegas

    strange baked maps in Adobe Substance 3d

    It would be in the UV menu options in Blender, and the vertex colors are in the data tab on the right side.
  11. Nervegas

    strange baked maps in Adobe Substance 3d

    Do you have any vertex colors set or UV seams set to be visible?
  12. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Why Substance Painter for aircraft development?

    I use it as the primary tool in my texturing workflow for aircraft, and a lot of buildings and static landmarks as well. Youre asking a very broad question, SP has a lot of useful tools from smart materials and anchor points to things like using the edges of the UV islands to create a mask to...
  13. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Parllax mapping. 3ds Max

    For anyone that comes across this when searching for an answer in the future, its related to the offset for when the emis texture will appear at night rather than all at once when the day/night cycle rolls over. The opacity % is related to that time offset in some number of units.
  14. Nervegas

    simObject controlled with a Scenarii xml not snapping to ground reliably

    I was having this same issue with mine not applying the scaling from the scenery editor and occasionally floating etc. It will sometimes fix itself, sometimes not. I haven't had it happen with a fully exported package in the regular community folder though. Is this something asobo are aware of?
  15. Nervegas

    MSFS20 KVGT - North Las Vegas Airport

    Made significant progress on the tower, its nearly ready for final LOD optimization and export for the airport. Up next is the Westwind Drive-In movie theater (with movies playing at dusk-2am).
  16. Nervegas

    MSFS20 KTTD Troutdale-Portland

    Looking good Rick, adding this to the library 👍
  17. Nervegas

    MSFS20 KVGT - North Las Vegas Airport

    Well fresh off of the V1 release of my hangar project, its time to tackle something a bit larger. Just in time for F1, I am doing a complete overhaul of KVGT - North Las Vegas and some of the surrounding landmarks. Obligatory Tower picture. North Las Vegas Airport (IATA: VGT, ICAO: KVGT, FAA...
  18. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Excluding rain/snow from open hangar interior

    Thats looking really good Iron! My only suggestion would be to tone down the brightness on those lamps, they dont need an emissive texture. In my example below, I put a 12W 'spot' and 2W 'point' light inside the light-well of the lamp, just play with the angle etc of the spot light to adjust it...
  19. Nervegas

    MSFS20 Excluding rain/snow from open hangar interior

    Its likely related to the way rain effect maps are layered, it isn't using the occluder. You could try a "false floor" where the floor of the hangar is actually part of the scenery mesh, but is just slightly +z offset from where the ground polys are. That may get it ignored by the rain map.
  20. Nervegas

    KIYK - Inyokern/China Lake

    V1 is here! I would love some feedback from the dev community, I also have a direct google drive link available for anyone that doesnt wish to use FS.to, it should also be up on flyaway at some point soon. https://flightsim.to/file/51542/gravricks-hangar-kodiak-hangar-kiyk-inyokern-ca