• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. M


    Hello, Sim Skunk Works is looking for a sound artist to make sounds for SIAI SF-260 (MSFS 2020), piston engine, propeller aircraft. it should be proficient on WWISE sound editor. Write to: info@simskunkworks.it Thanks a lot
  2. M


    Hello, Sim Skunk Works is looking for a an artist painter to texturize SIAI SF-260 on MSFS simulator, knowing how to use Substance Painter is preferred. Write to: info@simskunkworks.it Thanks a lot
  3. M

    MSFS20 MSFS autopilot templates nightmare

    Hello, there is someone that can point me how to make the autopilot turn, even using ASOBO_nightmare_templates for autopilot. I'm getting crazy thanks in advance /Mario
  4. M

    LIvery painter - paid work

    Hi All, We are Sim Skunk Works, www.simskunkworks.com We're looking to talented livery painters who can provide liveries for the following aircraft: Lockheed F-104 G Lockheed T-33A You will be paid for the liveries you complete. You must be: - Over 18 - Able to communicate in English - Work...
  5. M

    MSFS20 Radio COM frequencies. A heads up about potential issues.

    my two cents: I have tried to use NAV1_RADIO_SET_HZ with different approach on C++ without success, could make it to work using execute_calculator_code. // does not work //error = trigger_key_event(KEY_NAV1_RADIO_SET_HZ, freq_to_be_set); //this works { char str[128] = ""...
  6. M

    MSFS 2020 version 1.15.70 - any wasm module makes the sim miserably crash.

    Hi all, after having updated the sim at 1.15.70 all my wasm modules make the sim crash. All was working fine before this update. Also all wasm samples in SDK have the same effect. Also the simplest wasm module like this one has the same crashing effect during airplane loading. Someone has the...
  7. M

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    May be you do not consider that SimConnect can be used "within" a gauge not only in an external connecting-game program. SimConnect is necessary if you want change/control some sim vars, it cannot be done using JS or XML. Just an example: - how to deny controls mouvements or steering if you do...
  8. M

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    There are countless examples how a "complex" aircraft needs SimConnect (ie: SSW FIAT_AERITALIA G-91): - need to override the starting up spool to avoid that unrealistic turbofan spooling MSFS has - need to override and change the drag pending on loading/drop external stores that MSFS actually...
  9. M

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    You answered by your self, i'm one of "those with legacy C++ code" :) Furthermore guess that SimConnect is still a must for complex aircafts, does JS have SimConnect ? cheers
  10. M

    MSFS20 Trying to make animation sounds get working in legacy, but no joy, help !

    Following the SDK i wrote this piece of xml code to be set into model xml file: <Behaviors> <RootComponent ID="COCKPIT_SWITCHES"> <Component ID="battery_switch" Node="battery_switch"> <AnimationTriggers Animation="battery_switch"> <EventTrigger Count="1" Direction="Forward">...
  11. M


    yes, i hope so too. /Mario
  12. M

    MSFS 2020 Gunsight/HUD

    To collimate you need to know POV data, actually can't be accessed. /Mario
  13. M

    MSFS20 Auto-detect MSFS 2020 Community path

    For those that want use the great NSIS i did a nice example how to find either MS Store or STEAM Community folder. ;-------------------------------- !include "XPUI.nsh" !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "x64.nsh" !include "FileFunc.nsh" /* ${FindIt} "C:\look_in_here" "find_this.txt" "$R0" ; At...
  14. M

    MSFS 2020 Gunsight/HUD

    gunsight seems ok, however lack of collimation we can survive without :-)
  15. M

    MSFS 2020 Gunsight/HUD

    Thanks for replay, will investigate functions you mentioned, yes i need to redraw frequently since i'm trying to mantaing the gunsight collimated using POV accessing functions that SimConnect (should) provide us, but actually all these return void data. /Mario
  16. M

    MSFS20 C++ gauges nightmare

    Hello, yes, was my fault, most of time it means that C++ -> WASM compiler found erros on your code, opening console on the game and looking at the errors should reveal what the problem is. /Mario
  17. M


    yeah, a bad useless response :) BTW: "responded" is written on almost all reported variables, so what means ? For me it means that who wrote the SDK most probably did not know nothing about wath was writing.
  18. M


    This piece of code: bool Gunsight::InitEyePoint(void) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if(this->hSimConnect == (HANDLE) NULL) this->hSimConnect = GetConnection(); if (this->hSimConnect) { hr = SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition(this->hSimConnect, DEFINITION_EYEPOINT_ANGLE...
  19. M

    MSFS20 Desperately trying to attach an effect to a simple object

    Thanks a lot, indeed there are some examples to effects attached to a static object, like SmokeVolcano in: Official\OneStore\asobo-simobjects-landmarks\SimObjects\Landmarks\Volcano_Smoke where i got the above code. Volcano smoke seems to work. BTW which version of SDK are you using ? 0.9.0 i...
  20. M

    MSFS20 Desperately trying to attach an effect to a simple object

    This xml applied to a simple model should run ok and show a fire effect: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ModelInfo guid="{0b6e06ac-9d9d-42ee-b616-221c6827a519}" version="1.1"> <LODS> <!-- Highest LOD --> <!-- minimum display size in % (should be bounding sphere vertical...