• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. peacefarm

    What are you putting off until after MSFS 2024 comes out, or are most apprehensive about?

    That’s wonderful to hear and thank you for sharing. As you might recall, I have a serious infatuation with crisp pavement. The projected mesh being limited to terrain resolution is a huge turnoff for me. However, I am optimistic to 2024. This is something that X-Plane nails perfectly with their...
  2. peacefarm

    MSFS20 CTD When Building Package

    Hi, after about 6 months away from MSFS, I am trying to resume my scenery project but getting the annoying crash to desktop when I press “build all” (in sim compiler). This all after updating the game and sdk. Nothing else is new within the project and the project itself loaded up fine within...
  3. peacefarm

    MSFS20 Optimizing Performance: Efficient Way to Incorporate Models

    Hi all, I'm working on my first "larger" sized airport and naturally I'm seeking how to best optimize my scenery. Although I've had a read through the SDK's recommendations for optimization, I must admit, I don't know how to put it a few things into actions. I use Blender with the Asobo...
  4. peacefarm

    MCX Box around object?

    Oh I see, thanks for the insight Arno.
  5. peacefarm

    MCX Box around object?

    Hello, Yes, this is for MSFS. I’m not at the PC anymore but it is a relatively recent version of MCX. Do you the purpose of these invisible materials?
  6. peacefarm

    MCX Box around object?

    Hello, I'm wondering why certain sceneries have objects with bounding boxes as in the attached picture. The object is visible when you zoom/pan into the box. Is this the result of something and does the something serve any benefit? Thanks.
  7. peacefarm

    MCX LOD Tool!

    Thanks for your kind response Arno, especially how in retrospect I see how generic the question was. As always, thank you for what you do!
  8. peacefarm

    MCX LOD Tool!

    Also Arno, would you mind sharing what other features MCX offers in the way of optimization for our objects/scenery? More specifically, what processes would you recommend be done for most all scenery elements to make the most out of the tool and further optimize our projects?
  9. peacefarm

    MCX LOD Tool!

    Thanks for the quick reply Arno! I would much rather have an automated algorithm create the LODs for me as its very time consuming to do it by hand and I am probably not that good at it anyways. Ideally, I'd like to make my x00 model in blender and then process model through MCX for the...
  10. peacefarm

    MCX LOD Tool!

    Hello @arno and fellow builders! I'm here to inquire about the use of the LOD creation tool within MCX. I'm currently "manually" creating LOD's for my objects in Blender using the decimate modifier, and wondering if and how this incredible tool could perhaps aid in the process? A brief...
  11. peacefarm

    MCX GlTF UV Export Issue + Grouping of objects

    Thank you Arno! I will try it out tomorrow!
  12. peacefarm

    MCX GlTF UV Export Issue + Grouping of objects

    Hello Arno! Thank you for the prompt reply. I will have a go at that wizard. Ideally I would like MCX to compile one large object file with everything where it needs to be and rotated, etc. I’d then like to import that single file into Blender and separate the objects as I need to. This would...
  13. peacefarm

    MCX GlTF UV Export Issue + Grouping of objects

    Hello @arno and all! Foremost, thank you for this priceless tool! I found a batch convert wizard and it does work a treat for converting/exporting! I guess my question now is: Is there a way to have these objects laid out the way they are in the sim? What I mean is, is there a way to stage...
  14. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Sorry for the slow reply, but finally back on the saddle. Thank you very much for explaining this! I'll see if this fixes it on my next project. For now, I used a few "strips" of polygons to fill the craters to the core of the earth up. :) I've sent you a DM to further discuss this and not...
  15. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Hello Vincent, Maybe you have the same issue I did. I ran into this issue as well even with data that was supposed to be based on WGS84. What seems to work for me is to import the TIFF into QGIS via LAYER--->ADD LAYER--->ADD RASTER LAYER. Then, right click on the layer (near bottom left) and...
  16. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Hi Hi, yes that is a river, however I don't know if the tool is capable of isolating bodies of water. It's solid black because it is the lowest elevation point in the data. Hopefully someone with GIS experience can expand.
  17. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Thanks for the reply. I'm happy to report that aside from the edge glitch, .5 meter Lidar data is a go! I'll be happy to share my workflow as soon as I fully get it down (and understand it!). I've had to process the LAS data points through Arcgis Pro to create a raster and then QGIS to...
  18. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Hello again! @FoxtrotScenery thank you for the reply. I've sent you a PM with the files. All is well here minus the large deep cuts along the perimeter of the TIFF. Any ideas to correct this would be greatly appreciated!
  19. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Hello! Silly me, yes this was indeed the issue, thank you!!
  20. peacefarm

    W.I.P. Tool for creating Elevation using Rectangles

    Hello again. I managed to create a georeferenced tiff from the lidar LAS file with WGS84 CS. I followed the instructions by the dev, but running into issues when I try to open the XML up in the scenery editor. Process in the app says it created 9 rectangles, but when I open the XML in the...