• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
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    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. P

    Problem F1 not active

    I apologize for delay to ansxwer; thanks to consider my question; I have reinstalled SBX and now it works; subject can be closed Thanks; Pierre
  2. P

    Problem F1 not active

    Hello; I've been using sbuilder or many years; now I have a great problem I can no more display background F1 is not active; thanks for help Pierre
  3. P

    Water polygon affects the terrain in FSX

    1/ As said above, the quick way is to draw a poly for your river, and tag it with Legacy_LWM_Water_Flatten. So, you do not have to worry with elevations! This will just "color" your poly as water, following the surface, even if there are hills or holes; that may give a strange render. It may be...
  4. P


    Hello Is it possible to use Mapcarta as tile server for sbx? I work on project with lots of streams and water polys, and mapcarta gives precise elevations (contour lines) to draw lakes and sloped water poly for streams. So far, I use GE or mapcarta on an other screen to read elevation...
  5. P

    SbuilderX v315 .SBP files deleted after a fail compile .

    Hello I just read this post and can give an indication I hope useful if you "lose" your sbuilder files. Some months ago I deleted a sbx files, but I still have de compiled cvx file. I used cvx extractor ver 102; you recover shp files and import them to rebuild your sbx project; it needs some...
  6. P

    FSX SBX set as hole problem

    Hello; I report some tips about "set as hole" problems I encontered. Thousands of waterpoly(flat or slope) and holes already drawn!!! 1/ some "holes" may be seen correctly in TMFViewer, but in fact not appear in FSX; for a more sure control (without opening FSX), you may use MapWindows GIS...
  7. P

    road altitude problem

    hello sometimes I encountered altitude problem with roads; in some places road lines show in fsx as "canyons" beacause they sink at altitude 0. I noticed this problem sometimes next to QMID grid? thanks for help to solve this problem. Pierrot - Madagascar project.
  8. P

    Satellite view position problem

    Hello I'm still working on FSX Madagascar project with SBX. Presently precise satellite views have been largely improved with GE and VirtualEarth. Because of clouds or imprecise areas, I have to work with both. However, I've got trouble with position of views; when changing between 2...
  9. P

    FSX Problem with old shorelines and flooding

    A useful suggestion: In TMF Viewer take a screen of the concerned part of default cvx (here the 2 QMID11) in bmp format; then add it as background in SBX project (easy calibration with QMID lines). So you can see all elements you have to rework.
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    FSX Problem with old shorelines and flooding

    A possibility (I don't know the concerned files so far): TMF Viewer allows to see the nodes of default shoreline; maybe it's composed of several lines; if the exclusion rectangle doesn't intercept all pieces of default shoreline, so some of them would remain.
  11. P

    FSX Problem with old shorelines and flooding

    Hello I need to compare the stock elements and what you have drawn to analyze problem; so could you send me a screen of the bgl file you have created opened with TMFViewer (set view QMID level 11, and show the bottom line with important infos: coordinates, Dir#...., File#...., QMID.... ). If...
  12. P

    SBX tile server problem

    Hello Some weeks ago internet connection in my workplace changed. Before, it was a direct connection, now we need to use a proxy. I configured my computer to access the proxy. I can connect to internet, but it doesn't work with SBuilder tile server. Google Earth program (alone) works...
  13. P

    Map server

    Hello Thanks for answer. Presently, a new coverage of Madagascar is available for "blurry" parts. With the latest dll, problem is fixed and I have a great work to do!!! Pierrot - FMEP
  14. P

    Map server

    Hello I presently use Google server to get maps as backdraw to improve my Madagascar sceneries (no photoreal, just to draw roads, shorelines, ...), most of them at zoom 14; it works correctly. However, some areas are not yet covered in Google with detailed maps. I found on site...
  15. P

    FSX did sbuilderx can make it?

    Hello SBX supports extrusion bridges, but it seems to work not perfectly (I had a post recently about this). On your "above" road line, you break at both bridge ends; then select the future bridge line and open the line properties window; you have a extrusion bridge item where you can...
  16. P

    river polys

    Hello Concerning automatic backup: my problem was due to the fact I open the myname file instead of myname_BAK file ; this one is the latest working version. If I open the myname file, it is rapidly saved as a BAK file, and both are older version. Now it works; I open the latest BAK...
  17. P

    river polys

    Thanks for interest, and all your helps since some years! Ok! a tuto would be useful, but I have no time presently, and my web connection is too slow for pics. Particularly, choice of slope may cause problem for many people (definition is based on vertical gap (in meters or feet), and...
  18. P

    river polys

    Hello Some points concerning slopy hydro polygons; I used many in Madagascar FSX project. Important: you need a good improved mesh, so your river draw from satellite views would be correct with FS valleys; with default mesh, you will probably waste your time! Try first to draw a...
  19. P

    Problem with extrusion bridge

    Hello I tested with new file; I adjust elevations at 0 for the two project ends, and at -1 for the two extra ends added by program, probably to create slopes at both ends; it needs to be adjusted so end of road exactly joins bridge. It would be interesting that the SBX bridge could create...
  20. P

    Problem with extrusion bridge

    Thanks for quick reply I'll test as soon as possible Elevation created by SBX seem stange, especially -20 at ends. I'll try to correct manually other xml files, and compile directly with bgl comp. What is the use of probability parameter? Thanks Pierrot FMEP