• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Blender: Shaping Wings

    ADDENDUM - I found a great tutorial on wings. I've started the link where he begins the wings, of which I found extremely valuable. Here is my own project and how it turned out.
  2. Gabriel Theodoulos

    QUERY: Modeling Software

    Heavens to Betsy, No! TBH, there is no "right" or "wrong" on which tool you use. If it gets the job done, and you're comfortable with it, that's great! Like I said, I like GMax because you can do some simple tricks which really makes life easier. Maybe Blender can do the same, but I haven't...
  3. Gabriel Theodoulos

    QUERY: Modeling Software

    Question, What modeling software do you find yourself using the most? I like GMax. It's easy to understand and use. My problem is the video graphics bugs out on me when I use it. Many times, when I grab and rotate an object, the windows goes weird and I get reflections all over the place...
  4. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Blender: Shaping Wings

    So far everything appears to be coming together smoothly. Here is what I've developed so far. My next problem is figuring out how to mold the wings, rudder, and elevator in the other axis. The problem is MY lack of experience and knowledge. It took me a little bit of brain crunching to...
  5. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Noobie Panic: Scaling Goes Awry

    My bad! Earlier I was thinking that this was a Blender branch when I first posted it. :^p Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  6. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Noobie Panic: Scaling Goes Awry

    Maybe this might help..... After a little observation, I noticed how I might be able to circumnavigate this problem. 1.) I initially made my rigging cable from a six-sided cylinder, with a radius of 100mil. 2.) I moved the cable to it's proper location and set it. 3.) I then duplicated the...
  7. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Noobie Panic: Scaling Goes Awry

    I'm looking on the Tools Tab, and there is nothing referring to a Reset Xform (Reset Transform). :( I'm using v2.78
  8. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Noobie Panic: Scaling Goes Awry

    Help!!! I am attempting to set my scales to 1.0 and my rigging is fighting me! When I do modeling kpgamemods taught me to always keep my scaling to 1.0. You do this by highlighting the object and hit CTRL-A, and then choose SCALE. My rigging is supposed to look like this. But when I hit...
  9. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Noobie Question: Guide Wires

    Hello All, I've finally started on my very first project. Using Blender, I'm starting to lay out a rudimentary model of a WWI British plane, the RAF F.E. 2b. I have a rudder, and I'm modeling the rear struts. In between these struts are guide wires. At first, I thought about making them...
  10. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Little Navmap flight planner - beta released

    Alex, I absolutely LOVE Little NavMap! I've only been playing flight sims since July of this year, and I thought flight planning would be a task. But your software makes it very easy to set things up and export to my GPS. Great job!!!
  11. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Prepar3d SDK

    This weekend, I had a pickle of a time finding FSX SDK[1]. 1.) Does Prepar3d provide a more easily obtainable SDK? 2.) Will Prepar3d SDK work just as well as FSX SDK for both Prepar3d and FSX? 3.) Will the planes developed with FSX and Prepar3d v3 SDK work in Prepar3d v4? Thanks! [1]...
  12. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Hello and Greetings!

    I adore Milton, and I know enough GMax to know it is a great tool, but I am leaning a little bit more towards Blender. In Blender, I know how to set up the 3-views, while GMax is currently not cooperating. :banghead::banghead::banghead: I'm also wanting to learn Blender so I can (attempt to)...
  13. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Blender2FSX Snafu (?)

    Hello! I'm attempting to install Blender2FSX into my copy of Blender (2.78) and I am receiving this error when I try to initialize FSX Toolset: Is this telling me that I need to install the FSX SDK? I'm running FSX. Does this not come with the SDK? Any help you can provide would be great...
  14. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Hello and Greetings!

    Hi Ronald, I started off with Gmax, because Milton Shupe is helping me. But I am finding GMax (an older program) to be a bit buggy on my system (Fx-8350; 32GB Ram; GTX 1070). This is really frustrating! I am slightly more familiar with Blender only because I dabbled in it a year or two...
  15. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Hello and Greetings!

    Yes, I am finding that out right now. I am an absolute and complete newbie to 3d modeling. Currently, I'm going through Milton Shupe's wonderful tutorial videos, but I am feeling like a complete MORON. :banghead: Hats off to all who have mastered GMax!
  16. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Hello and Greetings!

    I don't want to come across as "dissing" the modder who put this DGA-15 together. I'm sure he did a great job for an earlier flight sim. I was (ignorantly?) thinking that all this needed was some TLC on the interior bitmaps. I'll look into Milton Shupe's tutorials and see if I can find them...
  17. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Best place to find -actual- native FSX planes

    I've found a lot of really nice planes on SOH. There's one chap on there (Milton Shupe) who has done an excellent job providing some really great planes. His work is inspiring.
  18. Gabriel Theodoulos

    Hello and Greetings!

    Hello! Gabriel Theodoulos here. My friends callo me Gabe, Gabby, or even one or two refer to me as Uncle Gabe! I'm 52 years old and retired. While waiting for Star Citizen to come out, my friends drew me into the flight sim community, and boy, am I hooked. I love flying FSEconomy and Air...