• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. tsgucci

    MSFS24 Batch Process 2020 gltf into 2024

    Arno! You are the best! It worked. Did not tested it in MSFS yet but the batch ran through and the result seems to be okay! This is a life safer, days would have been to do this manually. In my opinion who wants to convert MS20 to MS24 than you need exactly this.
  2. tsgucci

    MSFS24 Batch Process 2020 gltf into 2024

    How can I do that?
  3. tsgucci

    MSFS24 XML file is created when setting is False

    Hi Arno! Sorry I know this switch is not meant to do exactly what I mean but eventhough I set it to "False" when I export the object to MSFS 2024 gltf it creates an xml for it. I know the text is only about overwrite but if I for example export a lower LOD (which filename does not match the...
  4. tsgucci

    MSFS24 Batch Process 2020 gltf into 2024

    Both of them should be multiplication factor actually. The official plugin for FS24 Blender actually multiplies both value by 100 when it opens an old FS20 blender file. In the case of the emissive intensity I find it little bit too much so I multiply it only by 50. In 95% of the cases...
  5. tsgucci

    MSFS24 Batch Process 2020 gltf into 2024

    Hi Arno! I have a whole bunch of 2020 objects (almost 700 gltf) and would love to convert them to 2024. The catch is that it is not enough convert them. Due to the new light render in MSFS2024 we need to adjust the emissive intensity and the attached light source strength in the same manner as...
  6. tsgucci

    ModelconverterX MSFS2024 object

    If you dont have the source the easiest way to open it if you import the gltf into blender. That gives the best result. Only light sources needs to be redone in that case. Sometimes I knew that I have somewhere the source but was lazy to dig it up so I simply imported the gltf.
  7. tsgucci

    ModelConverterX and MSFS 2024 Levels of Detail

    Hey Arno! With the LOD Creator Tool you mean the automatic LOD creation built into MSFS2024 (https://docs.flightsimulator.com/msfs2024/html/3_Models_And_Textures/Modeling/Landscape/Using_Simplygon_To_Generate_LODs.htm), Sympligon? The issue is that -afaik - you need a licence so I doubt that...
  8. tsgucci

    ModelconverterX MSFS2024 object

    I could be mistaken - then sorrry - but I think here we talk about two different topics. The original topic was to simply convert gltf files to new 2024 gltf. What you talk about is the SimPropContainers right...
  9. tsgucci

    ModelconverterX MSFS2024 object

    Hi Arno! This function would be a life saver but to be honest I'm a little bit suprised why we talk about KTX2 files ang BGL. KTX and BGL will be converted by the editor. Sorry if I missunderstood anything. (Sorry I talk only about airport scenery at the moment) I think what would be...
  10. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Parallax Materials in Blender?

    Hi Dick! Thanks for the answer! Sorry I did not phrase it correctly, when I said it does not work in blender I meant in the blender's viewport you will not see the depth effect but in 3DS max. I looked at your model and your 'Soduko' matrix. To be honest I do not get it and do not know what do...
  11. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Parallax Materials in Blender?

    I think Parallax effect with the current plugin of blender will not work (I mean in the blender"s viewport it will not show it depth). It works however in 3DS max. Sidenote: The behind glass texture must be mapped with the 2nd UV channel (UV2). ("It uses the second UV set (UV2) to tile the fake...
  12. tsgucci

    Registry Keys FSX, FSX-SE, P3Dv1, P3Dv2

    Hi! Could anybody help with Prepar3D v6 installation folders? Are they the same as before? #MyDocuments#\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons\ My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v5", "SetupPath", Nothing) Thanks!
  13. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Model part / node name

    Alright! Thanks Arno for looking at it! Appreciate it. Then I stay with the 3DS Max, it is an additional step, but than at least I have more control over the object.
  14. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Model part / node name

    Thanks Arno for the answer. I think I'm blind because I cannot see it. I use the development version. If you check my screenshot I cannot see it. I know that during import/export the nods are renamed.
  15. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Visibility

    Anybody wondering the solution was 2x and at the end. And this is what makes it helpful https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Additional_Information/Reverse_Polish_Notation.htm
  16. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Model part / node name

    Hi Arno! Maybe I just missed it but is there any way to list the nodes of the gltf in MCX? I seem not to find it. I need them because I want to create Behaviour Visibility xml for the objects. They are old FSX objects and so far I can only find out the part/nodes names if I import them to 3DS...
  17. tsgucci

    P3D v4 Converting MSFS pbr texture to P3D metallic texture

    Have not used them since a long time. But try it! MSFS Arm -> P3D Metallic action it is. ARM means - Ambient, Roughness, Metallic this is how I call the MSFS PBR texture.
  18. tsgucci

    P3D v4 Converting MSFS pbr texture to P3D metallic texture

    Actually I could not solve to directly save DDS file from PSD. I export usually TIF files and with convimx or dxtbmp I convert them to DDS. Inside photohsop I run some actions to convert the MSFS PNG into the right format of P3D Metallic after that I save it to TIF.
  19. tsgucci

    MSFS20 Visibility

    Hi Guys! I am totaly noob for xml syntax. What I do not understand is how to combine together the conditions. Do I understand well when I place two condition like part 1 in the picture the "and" or the "or" operator at the end is refenced for the "day of year". Same with part two where after...
  20. tsgucci

    FSX Old BGL aearial image + object?

    Hi Arno! We are trying to convert some of our very old objects into MSFS. Unfortunately during the years we lost the gmax files so we would convert back from bgl. There are some files where we have some trouble doing so. Some of the objects had an aerial image lying below them. The image...