• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. Andrew

    MSFS20 Alpha_15_Release

    Now what I do in ADE I see after building. Thanks!
  2. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE 2020 Alpha 14 - Steam Test

    My Steam version works fine with my old ENGM project. Only thing is aprons and taxiway changes are often not seen in the sim before I delete the package from the Community folder before I Build from ADE and say yes to a copy to that folder. At my last build I had to remove the package, start FS...
  3. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Thanks, and there is no haste, so much to learn meanwhile when working on my ENGM project, which was originally created with SDE. I have recently overloaded my project with more than 60 custom models (ok 45 of them are lightmasts), and those done and lighted with McX. With ADEAlpha 13 and McX...
  4. Andrew

    MSFS20 Taxi way Lights missing.

    When changing from Taxiway to Taxiway Path, I lost the centerline lighting, here and there, no logic in this. I guess this relates to the no logic that has always been when doing MS taxiways. Remembering long way back I often had to delete the taxiway, then redraw it. I also remember what you...
  5. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Jon - Since we're at it in my Steam thread. I still can't open my old FSX ade4 files or bgl's. Just asking as ADE still crashes while trying to do this.
  6. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    All this done in 24 hrs plus I manually added Services as my last step in the FS Editor. In ADE I corrected aprons, runways, added excludes plus made a flatten. Take note my flatten don't need to be perfect. It seems as long as I make a crude flatten, I end up with the default flatten (including...
  7. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    I'm being slow today:banghead: Took me a while to figure out to use the alpha 13 patch on alpha 12, as I found no exe file in the full alpha 13. ADE now found all the Steam paths. I opened Gardermoen, put in an apron to test that it saved, the Built the project. Moved the files to Community...
  8. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Here's a shot. As you can see ADE "finds" the FS2020, but my content folder is named "FS2020 Content". It does not find the Application. My old project opens fine now, but I get problems when trying to build, so I'll have a peek at the xml code myself.
  9. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Windows explorer shows my FS2020 Content folder have the path Steam\Steamapps\Common\FS2020 Content. Now wait a minute... did I forget to point to the subfolder \Community?
  10. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    That I can easily live with. As long as my afcad including twy signs and approaches are read from the bgl when I open it, that's all I need. I have nightmares about making all the parkings and twy signs from start. I know how to read a xml and could try to manually remove stuff from there before...
  11. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Just spinning my mind here. If I remember correctly using the Steam version, Steam (or MSFS) suggested "FS2020" as a path for the content, and I took my habit from P3D and renamed FS2020 to FS2020 Content when doing the Steam install. I also noted ADE suggested FS2020. I had to rename that path...
  12. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    Attached here.
  13. Andrew

    MSFS20 Kristiansand Kjevik Airport after tons of frustration (mostly caused my me) and via McX.

    Version 1.7 now out. Details at Flightsim.to ;-)
  14. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    I do, but the result is as already stated.
  15. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    I just sent an error message with a short explanation directly from ADE when it crashed. This was trying to open the airport (engm_apx.bgl) file from my FSX version Airports of Norway. Here's a pic of my paths btw:
  16. Andrew

    MSFS20 ADE2020 Steam

    I have tried everything (some of you know me to do this as I am a more or less "relic" or "long time" ADE user). I have MSFS Steam version. Been rocking and rolling, tried to open as BGL, ADE4, XML P3D related or FSX related, ADE crashes anyhow. Opening a stock airport though, swell, works...
  17. Andrew

    MSFS20 Kristiansand Kjevik Airport after tons of frustration (mostly caused my me) and via McX.

    I can in time, and will do. For now I will upload what you see here, plus a new gmax glideslope antenna mast, a corrected terminal 2 (my old was way off due to lack of aerial pics). The hard facts are those markings are more or like invisible for real, seen with my own eyes being a passenger...
  18. Andrew

    MSFS20 Kristiansand Kjevik Airport after tons of frustration (mostly caused my me) and via McX.

    You are correct about this, but I can't find a way to make a custom texture for HatchedArea, where only "Slim Red" is the option, and no option for alternative, as with PaintedLines. Regarding (Pain)ted lines - yes a painful day. I managed to make my own painted line, like "red very worn". I...
  19. Andrew

    MSFS20 Error with sdk version 0.8.0 during the build package

    Apron textures are now drag and drop. Drag the texture you want from the material editor into the property window for your apron - done!
  20. Andrew

    MSFS20 Error with sdk version 0.8.0 during the build package

    Thanks Gary; that SDK is not easy to navigate. I see now I can use export all to validate, but keep on using the build button, as I like to rename my sceneries and zip them myself. PS, That Star Trek scene is one of the finest ever:wizard: