• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. J

    Hello! I am Javier Rollon, a 3D artist and animator with 25 years of experience in games...

    Hello! I am Javier Rollon, a 3D artist and animator with 25 years of experience in games, including 15 years making planes for X-Plane. Portfolio: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/javierrollon/?locale=en_US Web: https://jrollon.com/index.html Video: Contact: Javier.rollon@gmail.com Thanks!
  2. J

    Problem with Mask in html_ui

    ok! I managed to make the mask in MSFS "mask" don't work, but it works "clipPath" var aharsMask = document.createElementNS(Avionics.SVG.NS, "clipPath"); and in the assignation to make the mask use: AHARS.setAttribute("clip-path", "url(#AharsMask)"); removing the line...
  3. J

    Problem with Mask in html_ui

    Hello! I am building an StemmeS12, and while doing that, learning how html_ui gauges is working. Following several tutorials here, I managed to make an HTML_UI browser compatible version that can show an speed dashed line with green-yellow and red colors show in the lateral of the Artificial...
  4. J

    MSFS20 Xcsoar and Msfs2020

    Yes! today I discovered a plugin that brings any external windows into MSFS. But that window has to be not oclude by other, so visible. It streams the content into MSFS and it works. You can try for 3 days for free: https://fsdesktop.com/
  5. J

    MSFS20 Xcsoar and Msfs2020

    That is something I am searching for, now that gliders have arrive into MSFS. A toolbar app that shows XCSOAR inside MSFS for VR flying.
  6. J

    MSFS20 html gauge tutorial and samples

    Thanks for the deep explanation. I am trying to make a new plane. I come from XPlane11 and have a Marchetti there that I am converting into MSFS: But I also have a CL415 that I have almost modelled but it has displays that need custom gauges and custom fmc. For that reason I see there are two...
  7. J

    MSFS20 html gauge tutorial and samples

    Hello. I am trying to see where is that Html_UI folder but I don't find anything @AlienMudPig said that he found something similar, but didn't reply what (I hate when that happens, because we don't have the clue to continue), but the truth is that or something changed or don't now where to look...
  8. J

    Custom displays?

    No clue where to find search for making this one?
  9. J

    half texture wrong

    Hello! I have a problme with my texturing in FS2020. All is fine in 3DStudio Max 2011 (was used to export it to xplane without any issue) and Blender to export it to FS2020. Even in the gltf viewer all is right.. BUT when it comes into FS2020 a medium of the panel is black and the left one is...
  10. J

    Custom displays?

    Hello! I would like to create the tipical black mini display that is in the HSI that shows in red numbers the distance to a VOR tunned station. The problem is that I have no idea what I have to look for, for start working on it? Don't even know how to call it it google to search the first...
  11. J

    MSFS20 Avionics, collision particle and black and white texture

    Hello, @OzWookiee With the change of the FSdeveloper forum I lost two replies that solved and issue with the avionics. Could you please upload again the posts and images to mimic how you did them? Also I am having a strange issue. I managed to make the liveries and in them the panel is changed...
  12. J

    MSFS20 Lights to appear in FS2020. Needs to put 3D lights in Blender?

    Ok.. I saw that I can put lights in blender and name them as animation, so make them appear in XML... But my problem comes now with the emissive textures for panels. I can put them and make them only appear by night.. BUT I would like to link the emissive to a variable, so for example the 3D...
  13. J

    MSFS20 Lights to appear in FS2020. Needs to put 3D lights in Blender?

    Hello! 1. I have set all the lights in plane editor (landing lights, nav, beacon, etc...).. but nothing appear in the sim. Do I need to export from the 3D blender file the lights also? How have to be named? and lights used? (or maybe empty objects named?) 2. I would like to make the panels self...
  14. J

    Problems with fuel selector

    I discovered what was wrong and now I am able to use local variables to asign the fuel selector index.
  15. J

    Problems with fuel selector

    Hello! In the Siai Marchetti SF260 I am building, there is a fuel tank selector where you can select Left or Right Tip Tanks, and Left or Right main tanks. 4 of them. It doesn't have any automatic selection. So in the flight_model.cfg of my plane I set in the [FUEL] area: ok.... Because I...
  16. J

    Trying to understand panels. Render the Asobo GNS430 in my plane

    Thanks a lot for the pictures. They helped me to understand several things, that I am going to post how to work, for people that comes with the same problems: 1. Each xml file is different. That is a PITA, because it don't help at all of a method to do things fast. As said, every xml is an...
  17. J

    Trying to understand panels. Render the Asobo GNS430 in my plane

    It is incredible... I just find everytime stones in my path... and the problem is because the caotic way the XML are produced, because as you can put any label in the xml, there are some of them of 1 type.. and then others totally different. I understand the way the GPS buttons where animated...
  18. J

    Trying to understand panels. Render the Asobo GNS430 in my plane

    Have a question. I see that the GPS all was child of a parent called: AS430_Frame_1 How do you call that name? I mean, where do you find the name to be named correctly. If that parent "frame" geometry has to be called as AS430_Frame_index, then how I call other intruments? Now I am making the...
  19. J

    Trying to understand panels. Render the Asobo GNS430 in my plane

    thanks! I saw that the range animation is only driven by one value so only way is not balance but push both buttons as one. Maybe I could use: <Animation> <Parameter> <Code> (L:GPS_RNG_UP) (P:local time,seconds) &gt; if{ 50 } els{ 0 } </Code>...