• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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Search results

  1. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    good, cause I see lots of nametags for ships in 2024, but no ships ;)
  2. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    I assume Gaya is doing the ships, due to licensing reasons? Will MS sorting out the data provider allow you to roll v4 back into 2020? Cheers! Hope you're doing well!
  3. ravenn22

    Is history Reapeating once again?

    they showed a bunch of real flying jobs as missions... I guess real ag and water bomber pilots consider their work a game. ;) I'm just hoping for better perf, better terrain, better multiplayer and hopefully a better platform to get some of the features we're missing in 2020. If they support...
  4. ravenn22

    Is history Reapeating once again?

    How does one vehicle and some minimum-effort missions have anything to with Flight, which was just a money grab project, reeking of desperation? While I don't particularly care about the content myself, millions of people saw the movie, thought the ornithopters were super cool and would love...
  5. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    almost certainly not - and the huge variety of models really makes GAIST ;)
  6. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    well, there's a twist...
  7. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Flight Model Bending - The Graf Zeppelin (II)

    I was just thinking about this after HPG released their hot air balloon ;) glad to see it's still moving forward! looking cool....
  8. ravenn22

    SU11 Helipads

    hehe, I did CA and AK because they were under 20 rigs each, I've got Adratic rigs as well - but there were well over 50-60, and passed on doing that ;) Also, my data was much better for CA and AK, so I felt it was more worthwhile. scripting all that is ace! I wish I'd automated the process...
  9. ravenn22

    SU11 Helipads

    ok, cool... so your parking spots are working on an elevated surface? or the helipad asset is for ground use? also, did you do your placement procedurally? updating 40 rigs by hand in my scenery was a PitA - can't imagine doing 2000 :P
  10. ravenn22

    SU11 Helipads

    I had no problem adding helipads to the oil rig placements in AK and CA, but trying to add parking spots - just snapped to terrain / water. Did you have any luck with placing parking spots on an elevated surface? Also - did Asobo ever update the oil rigs w collision? Previously, they didn't and...
  11. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    My impression is the movement and wakes were faked. The ships are static and because it's a mission, the wind direction is set "down the deck" at 28 kts, which is also moving the water - giving the illusion that the ships are moving. That's why it doesn't work in free flight. I could be wrong...
  12. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    I got some decent traction with MS/Asobo on improving seaplane / water physics, so I'm thinking about writing a spec on carriers / landing ships and passing that along as well. I miss having carriers placed around the world from the 'olden days' - it was fun to try to find them, or run across...
  13. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    First thing I did after the landing challenge was open the SDK and try to place the carrier and escorts. no love. I'm kinda surprised that they had a 6-8 month delay on the releasing the DLC and didn't bother to make carriers work in the open world. That was the one thing I was hoping to get...
  14. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Buying Reno Air Races will reset your pilot assists.

    Anytime you update anything from Content Manager after SU7, it will reset all your assists. Everytime. Hopefully part of the hotfix.
  15. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    I mean - they're ( usually ) fantastic reference and good placeholder - or for artist to use as a template. Just FYI - a lot of the good models in the Sketchup Warehouse are actually 3DMax models imported into Sketchup, then exported as skp. Most of the "real" artists I work with say sketchup...
  16. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    should read "tens of PBR, night-lit utility, fishing and cargo ships, placed thousands of times"
  17. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    I saw another MSFS "developer" was selling a landmark scenery for the city where I'm working right now IRL and after buying it ( after weeks of agonizing because the screens looked really hit/miss ) - I realized they'd downloaded all the free sketchup models off 3D Warehouse for that city, ran...
  18. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    @KL791 someone pointed me to the avsim forum discussion on this, and I was kinda laughing at your "turbosquid model" dig... then I looked it up... Product screen https://web.goog.cdn.orbxdirect.com/products/687/610131b0a43bd.jpg $30 Turbosquid model...
  19. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    someone had recommended it to me during a discussion on AI or enhancements - downloaded all the various packs and bits, and was absolutely blown away taking off and seeing San Francisco Bay full of ships, plus all the traffic up and down the California coast. Just adds so much to the world...
  20. ravenn22

    MSFS20 Global AI Ship Traffic FSX, P3D and MSFS2020

    Their Channel Islands demo didn't last 30 minutes on my machine, whereas I've been using Global AI Shipping for.... how many years have you been doing this? :P