• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. E

    P3D v6 Can ADE Be Updated to Work With P3Dv6?

    Please specify an airport for me to test?
  2. E

    P3D v6 Can ADE Be Updated to Work With P3Dv6?

    Have you tried this way? <ExclusionRectangle latitudeMinimum="????????????" latitudeMaximum="????????????" longitudeMinimum="????????????" longitudeMaximum="????????????" excludeAllObjects="FALSE" excludeTaxiwaySignObjects="TRUE" />
  3. E

    gauge position on the polygon in VC

    Hi, best to practice first with a single rectangular part in MCX. In MCX, Attached object editor, Auto platform; Filter normal upwards = 0.001 select desired material; run Export as MDL Import this new MDL into MCX. Make sure "Display attached objects" is on, In Attached object editor, remove...
  4. E

    gauge position on the polygon in VC

    I never did try this, but it should work I think. Also, as it's now a separate part, potentially you could add a mouse rectangle.
  5. E

    Concorde visor in FSX

    It turns out the SDK is wrong, it's degrees not radians! These work <Animation name="concorde_nose" guid="30493c2c-c033-4d46-9b1d-20e5d9c8ebe8" length="100" type="Sim" typeParam2="concorde_nose" typeParam="AutoPlay" /> <PartInfo> <Name>concorde_nose</Name>...
  6. E

    P3D v4 Seaplanes on board ships

    I still think the best bet is an invisible aircraft carrier elevator, potentially with rotation at the top. I can't think of an ideal test ship, try lowering the height of the Nimitz so the elevators drop into the water.
  7. E

    XMLTools64 C:SIMVARS problem in P3Dv5.4

    I'm sure there's a better solution.
  8. E

    XMLTools64 C:SIMVARS problem in P3Dv5.4

    No, I overlooked a XML gauge that I think should be possible to massively prune. Not unrelated. I'll report back.
  9. E

    XMLTools64 C:SIMVARS problem in P3Dv5.4

    So, assuming you have the SimWorks Studios Phantom, Copy PhantomTools.dll into your Gauges folder Add to [Vcockpit01] e.g. gauge19=PhantomTools!PhantomTools,0,0,0,0 In the XML gauge replace all C:SIMVARS:PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT: with L:PAYLOAD_STA_ I think that's all that's required, probably...
  10. E

    XMLTools64 C:SIMVARS problem in P3Dv5.4

    I'm experimenting with a different dll that seems to work. I'll report back.
  11. E

    MSFS20 [RELEASE] SPB2XML for MSFS 2020

    I had the same problem. https://github.com/leppie/spb2xml Propdef caching Once you have extracted the MSFS 'base' packages to a location, you only need to point to it the first time using -s. Example: -s "c:\MSFS Base\Packages\fs-base-propdefs\Propdefs\1.0\Common" . After that it will use a...
  12. E

    MSFS20 MV-22B Osprey Release 3.0

    New method available. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/hijack-input-events-using-b-vars.454266/#post-895111
  13. E

    MSFS20 Hijack input events using B:Vars!

    Excellent! I've briefly tested this gauge with your code on the freeware F-35B, it seems to work fine. https://flightsim-squadron.itch.io/flightsim-aircraft <Gauge Name="SpoilerThrust" Version="1.0"> <Comment> </Comment> <Update Frequency="10"/> <Element> <Select> <Value> (A:SPOILERS...
  14. E

    Animation export to glTF?

    Thanks for this compromise. With the new stable version in mind, was it intentional to have the same restriction on glTF models that are packaged in a MSFS20 bgl library?
  15. E

    Folland Gnat Speed Brake animation

    I've sent you a pm.
  16. E

    MSFS20 MV-22B Osprey Release 3.0

    Yes I know it's impractical, just for experimentation (possibly useful for developers). Thanks for the V-22 in FSX.
  17. E

    MSFS20 MV-22B Osprey Release 3.0

    For anyone who wants to experiment, I have managed to effectively merge the two engines by customizing a UCR v0.1.22 plugin. The master throttle axis is multiplied by the thrust vector axis. Individual throttle axis's are the output, the lift engine is the inverse ratio of the main engine. With...
  18. E

    MSFS20 MV-22B Osprey Release 3.0

    I should have put it effectively has working thrust vectoring It does fly conventionally also! from engine.cfg Engine.0 = -20, 0, 0 ThrustAnglesPitchHeading.0 = 0, 0 Engine.1= -1.9, 0, 0 ThrustAnglesPitchHeading.1= -87.94902, 0 So if both engines are at 50% power, that is effectively...
  19. E

    MSFS20 MV-22B Osprey Release 3.0

    Firstly, thanks for the helicopter! I stumbled on this F-35B project, it has working thrust vectoring; https://flightsim-squadron.itch.io/flightsim-aircraft/devlog/242272/f-35b-vtol-first-vertical-take-off-jet-in-msfs https://flightsimsquadron.com/contact/ The problem is that you have to...
  20. E

    Animation export to glTF?

    Other than being insufficient, I'm not certain anyone objected to this?