• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Search results

  1. J

    P3D v5 Looking for a 3D model designer (paid)

    Hello everyone, I am looking for a 3D model designer. The job is to make one (or more) basic aircraft model(s) with simple textures and animations. More details in PM. Cheers Jean Luc
  2. J

    P3D v5 Modifying stock to make a Sloped Airport

    Hello I started some tests to see how hard it is to modify a stock airport to make it sloped. My process is the following, with ADE: 1. open a stock airport, flag it as Sloped. 2. Draw exclusion rectangles all around the place 3 Node by node, put the correct elevation on taxi points. 4. leg...
  3. J

    P3D v4 Crosswind vs yaw moment

    It seems P3D V4.5 (not sure about other versions) has some internal maximum surface wind limit at 31kts. Above that, wind "overflows" and goes back to a small value until liftoff. Very weird???
  4. J

    P3D v4 Crosswind vs yaw moment

    Hello everyone, I am struggling with some weird issues. It happens from FSx to p3d v5. It seems that crosswind has unpredictable effect on the yaw rotation of the aircraft. Sometimes, with 50kts x-wind, no rudder is required until 120kts or more. Sometimes with the same settings it is...
  5. J

    MSFS20 MSFS2020 Flight Model

    This would be the only benefit in my view, though using relatively standard values, and simplified curves on most parameters would achieve the same result. I think the legacy model could have worked better by differentiating a bit more computations from different wings, maybe implementing a per...
  6. J

    MSFS20 MSFS2020 Flight Model

    I was just wondering, anybody else feels this new model is a scam? It could have been very accurate if they allowed you to use coefficients for multiple stations on the wing/stab. However making a discretized model based on an unpublished algorithm?? I am very skeptical, and the handling of...
  7. J

    Install FSX simple simobject?

    mmmh nope? I could find any help in the SDK by the way. Maybe I overlooked this part?
  8. J

    Install FSX simple simobject?

    Hello everyone, Anyone's been successful installing an FSX aircraft simobject in MSFS2020? I tried putting contect in the community folder this way: %FS20DATA%\community\MyAircraft %FS20DATA%\community\Simobjects\airplanes\MyAircraft %FS20DATA%\community\Simobjects\MyAircraft no luck so far??
  9. J

    Why are there so many different formats for BGL files?

    I was trying to read some P3D V5 BGLs. My first results indicate a few things have changed (I guess to accomodate the new P3D bgl options such as sloped runways). Anyone has mapped that format? Cheers Jean Luc
  10. J

    Table 1505

    Fair enough, l will be waiting for your work to come out then.
  11. J

    Table 1505

    Hi Johan, I am sorry to revive this old thread, but I was curious if you ever released this documentation on engines spool up/down timings? I am particularly interested in spool down computations when engine is shut down
  12. J

    MSFS20 -Everything you know about upcoming Flight Sim from Microsoft-

    I do not necessarily agree for all type of content. Take the flight model part for instance. Many people claim it does not work as it should, it is not realistic etc... Some even say xplane does a better job. My findings is the model implemented is quite good. From a mathematical standpoint...
  13. J

    [Beta] Announcing the SimIn SDK

    Hello, Any news if SimIn SDK works 100% with P3D V4.4? I use probably the same techniques as you do for a few features (FDE mods in realtime), and I lost many entry points with this P3D V4.4 version... Update: no it seems it was a glitch in my first tests... I could resume with all normal...
  14. J

    P3D v4 Runway position

    You may want to look here for the answer: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/runway-beginning-and-end-positions.441395/
  15. J

    Runway beginning and end positions

    Hello The (seemingly few) people who are interested in this topic may be happy to know I believe I finally found out the relation between BGL/XML files runway LAT/LON/HDG values and actual depiction in FSX/P3D. Forget complex WGS84 computations. The BGL algorithm implemented probably dates...
  16. J

    P3D v4 Ground friction

    This is what I love about it. Tell your "developper base" you care about them, while you keep 90% of them away from the real scene...
  17. J

    P3D v4 Ground friction

    Hi WarpD I read this kind of statement several times already, but never from LM source. What is your source? Nothing as such in the SDK...
  18. J

    Runway beginning and end positions

    Hi Dan, Thanks for sharing. However I am sorry I don't 100% get your description here, particularly the red X?? Do you really mean you more or less can "predict" how the RWY is rendered in P3D from the BGL LAT/LON/HDG ? Regards
  19. J

    Runway beginning and end positions

    Hi Hervé, Thanks for the answer, it sort of corroborates what I notice as well. It seemed to me that runways close to a north-south or to east-west directions were less prone to this weird behavior (so 18/36 or 09/27). I wonder if there is a sort of " De Givry" correction applied... They did...