• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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3dsmax vs Blender msfs p3d

i am very now to scenery design .
I have Blender and 3dsmax.
What you suggest and recommend for Airport building like towers and hangars for p3dv5 and future msfs.

What is easiest and most powerfull to learn .Blender or 3dsmax.?
Hello...which is more "powerful"? That is a matter of one's perception. Both are powerful and can get.the job done. I suggest you try both and see which one you like better. There are tutorials out for both.
Yes, I went with 3DSmax (Indie license) because I used GMAX for a long time, but if I was starting out I'd go with Blender. For MSFS there is a huge number of tutorials etc for Blender, but not much for 3DS. I'm thinking of making the switch which would save me NZ$500 a year.
There is plently oft courses in udemy learning .
None oft them related to sim scenery.
I think even after mastering them its not garanted that you be able to build scenery.
what is the steps to build scenery
do you look in photoreal area and work with Blender sametime .
is it possible to draw over foto or map to make it easier
The tutorials aren't meant to teach you how to create scenery for any of the flight simulators that are out there. They are there to learn Blender or 3DSMax. You are trying to run without learning how to walk. You will fall on your face pretty fast doing lt that way.
There are also finnished 3d models as terminal in the market.
Are they not helpfull to edit them.
I can certainly see the OP's point about the need for FS-related tutorials, if you are just starting out it is important to be able to go from a blank page to a finished model in the sim just so you know that you can do it. Nothing gives the drive to continue learning like being able to taxi past your own first model sitting at an airport. There are plenty of tutorials on Youtube where you can learn to build a beautiful model, which turns out to be completely impractical in the simulator. 20 years ago when the GMAX gamepack first appeared (FS2002?) just about everyone was a beginner, and although there was a SDK of sorts that didn't help those who were trying to learn GMAX at the same time.
There were tutorials back in the old days which showed how to build a simple hangar etc, and place it in the simulator. These included some help with optimisation, and other aspects which the OP asked about earlier -- getting the size right etc. The tutorials I'm thinking of are entirely obsolete now, but in these Youtube days it would be great to see some simple go to whoa intros for very new developers.
However most of that info is available, mainly here at FSD, I'd suggest that the OP deal with his questions one at a time, either through a bit of time searching here, or asking here one question at a time.