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P3D v4 add-ball airplane behavior at hold short

Plane comes up to hold short and stops but then looks like it is trying to move through thick mud. wiggling one wheel at a time. Finally it times out. All planes top do this. Fault finder says ... no faults.
Does the plane request permission to take off?

If so, does the plane receive permission to take off?

(Trying to work out exactly what the plane is trying to do.)
It looks as if the plane stopped at the hold short and then tries to proceed after that but does so as if it were wading wheel by wheel through thick mud.
add ball should be ODD ball. hahaha Forgot to change that! I forgot how to change wind direction in ADE Used to do that now and then, I think, but it's been a while. I need to check if this happens to the other runways in my project.
I just disabled that rwy so the AI would seek another rwy. The other rwy acts the same way. I have a 3rd rwy. I assume it will occur there as well. Now I'm up the proverbial creek!
No. This was sent to me pre-made with maps and a photoreal. It was modified by someone else, older scenery. t even had an old A16N file which I removed. They (friends) want me to finish this off so they can add it to their paid scenery, which I do not have.

BTW- I tried to remove his photoreal and add a landclass. It did not show up. I can add objects and change degrees of ryws and adjust taxiways.
As a test to eliminate my ai as the culprit, I wrote a traffic file ising the same planes to a different airport I am working on for myself. I went to P3D and BINGO! aI taxied out the the rwy and took off.
Without 'seeing' this airport it is difficult to know what else to suggest. It is odd that 'all' of the runways exhibit the same exact strange behavior.

Has the originator found the same effects when he tests his layout?
He hasn't bothered with it. He only makes T&G and even then starts from another airport to land at the one he is working on then take off again. He doesn't do much FP.

I don't think the scenery is dimmed out at all. In aifp it did ask for the airport info which I filled out. aifp then saw that and the traffic file compiled fine.
I did mention that the planes seemed to 'waddle' inch by inch past the hold short, but that was on sim speed x4. Normal speed, of course, they just sit there and then time out.
That's the oddity. the AI start up, taxi out, follow the taxi path to the hold short (properly faced) and sit there. It's like waiting for the ok from A c tower, which it never gets. That might be. If so, is there a way gto get the tower to respond? Just a guess.
Boxted is a used-to-be WWII RAF field. It is no long in extant and does not appear in P3D. Ergo- new airport.
If the same happens at all of the runways, then there must be something fundamentally wrong with the way the originator has set up the taxiways, hold shorts and/or runways.

If you cannot attach the original .ad4 file for copyright(?) reasons then perhaps send a slimmed down version - remove all scenery objects, etc.?
Does not endless waiting at hold short equal a broken taxi link? Pretty sure that was an axiom of FSX/P3D.
Does not endless waiting at hold short equal a broken taxi link? Pretty sure that was an axiom of FSX/P3D.

One of the possibilities but happening at 3 different runways? Not likely but without seeing the file it will be impossible to know where the problem lies.
Well I disagree about likelihood, in that
there must be something fundamentally wrong with the way the originator has set up the taxiways, hold shorts and/or runways
because if a developer habitually neglects to complete taxi links, if the developer habitually populates an airport with unlinked parking then invariably, all runways will be affected.
forgot to do this. sorry. This was sent to me. I am continuing with it. This attachment is the most recent.


  • XXBX_ADEP4_RML.ad4
    202.7 KB · Views: 88
raymk- Thanx for the help. This might give us an idea a bi-plane designed by Carson? Larson? Very well done on his part. Did a traffic file with his plane - at a blimp field in California (circa late 30's or so. His plane starts up then a push back, then sits there going nowhere! He was baffled too. Though I haven't worked on that for some time, I do believe there was no time out. I will double check.

Again, thank you for your time and effort... and others ' help as well. Bob
You should try adding a "Tower" frequency under the "Comms" listing.

It should look something like

XXBX Tower Boxted 129.35

Use any frequency you like - I didn't get any other messages coming in from elsewhere with this frequency.

Let us know if this is successful.

I have got a Panavia Tornado taxying out, stopping at a Hold-Short, being given permission to take off and doing TNG's for 40 minutes.
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