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AIFPC – AI Flight Plan Compiler/Decompiler for FS9 and FSX RC1

Already a newer version

This version also changes the ICAO codes which changed from FS9 to FSX.

It uses a txt file for that that can be modified by the user.
Structure of the file is:

old ICAO,new ICAO,lat,lon,height
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Peter, welcome back.

I have confirmed that I can compile for both FS9 and FSX without error. However, the compiled files (which are about the right size) still don't generate any traffic in either FS9 or FSX. The flight plan file is unchanged from the version I sent you earlier.

Compiling the flight plan file with TTools does result in the intended traffic.

Sorry I can't report better news,
Grrrr Don. I'm not sure whats wrong then.

I have completely recompiled all my FS9 FP's to FSX, and all aircraft are visible in FSX.

You are sure you have not an other FS9 bgl file in FSX? So that the FSX BGL file is not used?

Is it only this FP? or all FP's?

i will look again with a hex viewer whats the different between the two files.
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No, there are no other traffic bgls in the FSX scenery folder.

Please note that the same situation occurs with FS9 as well - no AI of any kind in sight.

Is anyone else experiencing similar difficulties? Anything you can think of that I can do to help resolve this problem?

I'll send my FP source and te two compiled files to you via e-mail.
New version.

* Solved a bug when using repeat times from 1 and 2 hours.
* AIFPC will remember last 5 used output path in a combo box
* No warning anymore when duplicate airports were added due to the changed FSX list .
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An other reason not to use FS9 BGL files is that also the boat traffic files do not work when an FS9 BGL is present.

Using only FSX compiled files these work perfectly.

...and this is exactly why I was thrilled to find this thread a few days ago. I dowloaded the decompiler and love it! Now I have all of my WOAI (and others) without losing the boat traffic. Thanks!!!
I receive following error when I try to build a flight plan .
Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance.


  • aifs.jpg
    5.2 KB · Views: 545
Any Ideas??

Hi! When I convert a flight plan everything goes great. When I try and run the FP FSX throws an error saying "Can not read file.". Fsx then closes. When I compile the same FP for FS9 no error. Any Ideas?

FSX Deluxe, SP1, Windows XP Pro 64, and Newest version of AIFPC.

Reading through all this I only see one reference to "@"

My question is what does AIFPC do with the "@" during the FS9 to FSX type compiled FP?

I have been doing studies in FSX when the @ is present vs not present using TTool FP's and everything we know about FS9 also occurs in FSX. This includes no AI materializing into the AI Visual Zone and the popping up of all AI Panes at the Parking Stands.

I don't want to go back to the early days of FS9 TTool FP's and reopen the @ discussion but some of us (Reggie, MRAI, myself) did a tremendous amount of work to get @ timing controls working correctly in respect to Aircraft.txt speeds that must be used.

Are you recommending remove @, bring the Aircraft.txt back up to TAS vs IAS in a compiled TTools FP and then convert over to FSX?

At this moment AIFPC use the same calculation as TTools used when it finds the @ symbol in the flightplan. (AIFPC uses the same calculation routine as is present in TTools)
So you can still use both methods if you want.

When using the @ symbol the program uses the fixed arrival time and for the sector crossings if calculates the aircraft speed according to the arrival time.

When no @ symbol is present it uses the aircraft speed and it calculates the arrival time (and uses a ground time of 15 minutes as in TTools).

As you see the same behavior using the FS9 bgl files in FSX, then you would also see the same behavior using the FSX bgl files i think.
Thanks Peter

I can work with that

I did notice if I convert to FSX with @ present in FS9 FP's then on a convert/decompile back to FS9 @ was still present so I assumed you kept everything as is on the front side.

I was confirming the @ was not getting flushed out when going from FS9 to FSX when using AIFPC.