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AIFPC – AI Flight Plan Compiler/Decompiler for FS9 and FSX RC1

Not Sure

Hi Guys And Gals.
Not sure if you ment me or Emile, but here is the file.

This file was compiled using AIFPC from the "Flightplans_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.txt" file I found on Avsim. Like I said works great if I compile with TTools, but when I use AIFPC. FSX says can't read file and exits. I have to shut down FSX.exe 32 manually tho.
Also file Compiles with no errors using AIFPC.
AFIPC.exe file date is June,18,2007


  • Traffic_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.bgl
    132.3 KB · Views: 907
Thanks Peter

I can work with that

I did notice if I convert to FSX with @ present in FS9 FP's then on a convert/decompile back to FS9 @ was still present so I assumed you kept everything as is on the front side.

I was confirming the @ was not getting flushed out when going from FS9 to FSX when using AIFPC.

Yep, the @ is not removed with compile/decompile runs
Here are the .txt files.


  • Aircraft_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.txt
    231 bytes · Views: 731
  • Airports_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 1,004
  • Flightplans_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.txt
    14.1 KB · Views: 857
Peter, I've noticed a little idiosyncrasy with the latest version of AIFPC. That is, after starting AIFPC, the first couple of times one sets the Output Path, upon clicking on "Compile", the the output path window is cleared and the output is directed to the root folder of the logical disk on which AIFPC resides. After a couple of attempts, the problem seems to correct itself and everything is OK therefater.

EDIT: It seems that if the "Flightplan file/Traffic BGL file" entry if made just before the "Compile" button is clicked, the "Output path" entry is not cleared.

Last edited:
Peter, I've noticed a little idiosyncrasy with the latest version of AIFPC. That is, after starting AIFPC, the first couple of times one sets the Output Path, upon clicking on "Compile", the the output path window is cleared and the output is directed to the root folder of the logical disk on which AIFPC resides. After a couple of attempts, the problem seems to correct itself and everything is OK therefater.

EDIT: It seems that if the "Flightplan file/Traffic BGL file" entry if made just before the "Compile" button is clicked, the "Output path" entry is not cleared.


Mmmm How did you set the output path?
Peter, I set the output path using the browse button to the right of the output path entry box. I also tried setting it using the drop-down capability of that box, but didn't make any difference. Incidentally, the drop-down list records the blank entries.

Regarding my edit to my previous e-mail, I was a bit hasty. Setting the input window first doesn't always sidestep the problem.


What OS did you use in the develpment of AIFPC?

Just wondering if I should run my new Area-51 ALX computer shipped with Vista 32 in a AIFPC XP2 compatibility mode. I received a BOD but also had Yroute and AITM running at the same time.

I traced the BOD back to Yroute which is not compatible with Vista/FSX. Lost my FSX activation entry in the registry along with FS9/AFCAD entries. The 1722/1603 error MSN patch wasn't much help in this case. Thank goodness for current Reg.reg backups and Vista restore points which I am a firm believer in. Still waiting for Norton to get GoBack working for Vista.

My developer PC is running XP SP2.
Strange, because AIFPC only need .NET 2.0 to be installed, so it should run on Vista without porblems. I will do some test on my Vista PC.
Peter, another minor problem still exists in AIFPC. That is, the conversion from FS9 days to FSX appears to be backwards. For example, if, in a weekly flightplan, the day of operation is specified as 1 (Monday in FS9), in FSX the aircraft operates on Wednesday (i.e., day 2); it should operate on FSX day 0.


I have no problems with AIFPC and Vista 32. My version of Vista shipped with .NET 1.2, 2.0 and 3.0 installed.

The BOD was a Yroute problem but was just curious about the OS/.net used during the design of AIFPC.
Peter, another minor problem still exists in AIFPC. That is, the conversion from FS9 days to FSX appears to be backwards. For example, if, in a weekly flightplan, the day of operation is specified as 1 (Monday in FS9), in FSX the aircraft operates on Wednesday (i.e., day 2); it should operate on FSX day 0.


OMG :eek: did i add a day in stead of substracting? And you call that a minor problem?

TY DON!!!!!!!!!! Why nobody else mentioned it. :confused:
Hi Folks

Peter -
I had noticed that my traffic didn't appear to be departing as per schedule,
I'd just put it down to FSX :eek:

A two day offset would explain it. :D

Peter, perhaps others are more problem-tolerant than me.

Re the clearing output window, I have discovered that if I put the desired folder specification into the "lastoutput" value field in the .INI file and then start AIFPC, the output window is NOT cleared and things work as expected. However, if I attempt to specify the folder using the associate browse button, it is cleared upon clicking the "Compile" button sometimes two, sometimes three and, on occassion (I recall) four times before things "settle down".

If one always outputs to the same folder, once set up the problem probably wouldn't be experienced (because the last output folder specification is set up on entry to AIFPC.) This may explain why others haven't yet complained.

Have a great weekend,
New version.

Corrected the days and the output folder problem.

If no problems arrive anymore i will release the first version soon on AVSIM.

Next to do is to made a .NET Assembly of it so people can incorporated it in their own programs.


  • AIFPC.zip
    318.5 KB · Views: 11,502
Hi Guys And Gals.
Not sure if you ment me or Emile, but here is the file.

This file was compiled using AIFPC from the "Flightplans_EVAI_Su07_AllegiantAir.txt" file I found on Avsim. Like I said works great if I compile with TTools, but when I use AIFPC. FSX says can't read file and exits. I have to shut down FSX.exe 32 manually tho.
Also file Compiles with no errors using AIFPC.
AFIPC.exe file date is June,18,2007

I cannot repeat the problem here.
Can you post a screenshot of the error?
To which airport you go? At which time?
Peter, I can confirm that the two problems I reported, i.e., output window and FSX day of week, no longer exist.