• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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AIFPC – AI Flight Plan Compiler/Decompiler for FS9 and FSX RC1


I'm trying to compile the schedule under Vista 64 bit and when I try to load FSX I have an error message saying that is impossible to read the file. It occur when enable the directory where are store the traffic files (all in FSX format) compiled witjh vista 64 bit


Please help. I am able to compile and decompile with the AIFPC. I decompiled the trafficAircraft BGL file, from the FSX/scenery/world /scenery folder and added an aircraft into the AircraftAircraft decompiled file thus:

AC#120,477,"Airbus A380-800 Sri Lankan"

Then made a flight plan by adding to FlightplansAircraft file the following line:


And recompiled and then placed the new TrafficAircraft_FSX BGL file into its proper place back to the FSX/scenery/world /scenery folder

But my aircraft did not appear at the VCBI airport at or before the departure time (at 00 hours 21 minutes). Where did I go wrong?

Hi Ugo,

The program isn't compiled for x64 so doesn't run properly. I use a 32bit XP Virtual machine, which runs in a Microsoft Virtual PC environment on my Vist x64. I then copy the copiled machines from one to the other.:)


I'm trying to compile the schedule under Vista 64 bit and when I try to load FSX I have an error message saying that is impossible to read the file. It occur when enable the directory where are store the traffic files (all in FSX format) compiled witjh vista 64 bit


Hi Ugo,

The program isn't compiled for x64 so doesn't run properly. I use a 32bit XP Virtual machine, which runs in a Microsoft Virtual PC environment on my Vist x64. I then copy the copiled machines from one to the other.:)


I solved using the Win Xp partition for now. :)

Seems that i have to make a x32 and x64 program for this.

I too now have FSX crashing on AIFPC generated bgl's compiled on a newly rebuilt WinXP_x64 rig. I have already let Peter know through e-mail communiction as well and confirmed that it is my x64 environment.

Passing through the forum, hoping for an update, the quote above made me wonder; if a x64 switch is needed for the compiler, couldn't a simple option be added to the AIFPC UI that allows the user to select/enable x64 compatibility and when checked, the proper switch is supplied to the compiler? I don't pretent to be a developer, nor imply the ease of integrating such options, just wondering aloud if this was an alternative to supplying a seperatly (x64)-compiled program.

Since converting to WinXPx64, which runs great, I now have to copy the decompiled files over to my wife's 32-bit Vista laptop, compile them, and send the converted bgl's back to my FSX (x64) machine. It works, but at the rate WoAI is dropping packages lately, it is a nuicance.

Man, the conviences of things we miss when upgrading OS's... Like the 'ol saying, you never really appreciate the little things in life, until their gone.