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that's just it it doesn't do it every time. As flying's cool said you can set the altitude in Gizmo andit worked for me by typing in the altitude. I have also managed to lift 2 people off the ground and sit them at the picnic table! Progress!George asked me about this the other day, I don’t remember setting it. It seems to sit nicely on the ground. At East Fortune for example, the undulations are pretty accurate to real life.
Did you get the models Neil?Is there any way to get lat long visible on screen?
that's just it it doesn't do it every time. As flying's cool said you can set the altitude in Gizmo andit worked for me by typing in the altitude. I have also managed to lift 2 people off the ground and sit them at the picnic table! Progress!
I haven’t placed them anywhere Neil, just converted them. All of the texture for all of the models are in the textures folder. If you want them placed somewhere let me know. If you want to do it yourself, if you place all of the folders in the zip file ModelLib folder in your project, then "build" them. This will add them to the list of objects in scenery. (You will need to restart the sim after this). Then if you go back into your project, in the scenery objects list, filter it by typing nb- in the filter and you will see the objects and you can place them where you like (remembering to save the scenery and build again).Yes but in say the Church medium folder the only files inthe folder are- nb-church-medium.bin, nb-church-medium.gltf and nb-church-medium.xml and I have no idea where the common texture is. I placed the folders in the Community folder but nothing is visible in developer. Thanks Neil