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Airport ground traffic FSX/FS9

Hello Guys,

I would like to create custom ground vehicles that are moving/driving/animating on my airport. What is your suggestion what is the best and easiest way to do it?
The problem is I have to do it for FS9 too...

For FSX I heard about simconnect or dynamic scenery or mission sdk? Which one to choose? Is there some tutorial? I've heard about AIBTC which is a ship AI creator but read somewhere it can be adopted to road vehicle. ADE path maybe? How?

What shall I do with FS9? Also AI traffic with some path? Or BusyObjects? Or TTools?

I'm really confused...

Any hint, tutorial would be appreciated!

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I know with Aibtc, you can get traffic but It's a little uncontrolable, still don't know how to get the car start to move at designated time and when to stop, the behaviour seem radomly executed. another way by animating cars with the path constraint, but problably no usefull for aiport traffic.
But these two method work indeed, maybe with Cat tool you cant trigger the path constrained animations.
I do not mind if the traffic is random. Moreover it is maybe an advantage. Important would be to use custom AI model and predefined route. Do you have any experience in this? Is there any tutorial?

Path constraint with gmax is okay. I did by our Debrecen scenery a train. There are two disadvantage: The 1024 barrier. But now with MCX it could be solved. The other one that the animation created with gmax unfortunately is very bumpy. It is not a smooth transition from frame to frame.

Yesterday I was experimenting a little bit with BUsyObject. It is based on FS2002. Actualy the it converts the gmax's path constrait. According the manual it will create a very smooth animation and without 1024 barrier. Yesterday I could get till the API macro. Than I was stucked because I was suppose to insert some line in the API macro but I could not find the lines written by the tutorial.
Yes, you can predifines a route then, funny thing is that the car will move in any kind of terrain, but this can't be very bumpy or the car will jump like crazy, I have one in my airport with the Aibtc method , you make the route with a kml file from google earth, and make the three text files and compile, you assign a timetable, time of departure and arrive, like a boat, the car will start backward like an airplane so it's important the last node of the route, make them short. or as it be convenient. you can adjust the speed of the car too.
With Fsx there is not limit regarding the time frame.
I am thinking on an animated car that could be trigered with Cat tool. move around and desappeared. or something so.
Wouldn't it be great if someone developed a new prog to run your own airport ground traffic using their own traffic (taxi) ways etc.
I'm surprised (and disappointed) that with all the new stuff (ADEX,MCX etc) going on that no one has developed this idea yet.
I agree.

I think it is possible to use the afcad file traffic path and to have own simObjects defined for them. Question is only how?
Yes it is. The Master: Mitsuya Hamaguchi (Hama) did just that with his RJGG_v2 for FS9.
I've looked at that often. He did it for boat traffic in that version but is a complicated affair (nothing to Hama - of course!)
We really need something much easier to replicate - I wish :D
A custom rescue vehicle was created as an FS9 AI aircraft and then ground paths (taxiways) were created in an overlay airport. It has a standard Traffic BGL file that controls its behavior. It taxis into an open hangar and sits until it disappears (no hold short node at the tiny runway, I think).

The base airport:


The rescue vehicle update:


Hope this helps,
I would be happy to just create random road traffic on my own homemade airport, but haven't found a way to do that as of yet. I'm not talking about AI airport traffic, I'm talking about cars,etc.. running on my roads at random. There has to be a way to do that, just haven't found it yet.There used to be a 3rd party software that did just that years ago, but I think it no longer exists, at least I haven't found anything like that. Wish I could remember the name of the program, but that was many many years ago when FSX first came out and was the most popular sim.
I would be happy to just create random road traffic on my own homemade airport, but haven't found a way to do that as of yet. I'm not talking about AI airport traffic, I'm talking about cars,etc.. running on my roads at random. There has to be a way to do that, just haven't found it yet.There used to be a 3rd party software that did just that years ago, but I think it no longer exists, at least I haven't found anything like that. Wish I could remember the name of the program, but that was many many years ago when FSX first came out and was the most popular sim.

Hi Tom:

"Random' Road Traffic is FSX CVX vector-based "Freeway Traffic".

That type of random vehicle traffic is created with SBuilderX- or FSX_KML- (...which uses GoogleEarth); both are freeware.





Instant Scenery (payware) creates CVX vectors including Road Traffic ...in addition to live in-sim preview 3D object placement.


FreewayTrafficRoads is distinct from FS2Kx "LivingWorld" animation and/or 3D modeled animation (...which uses MDLs).

NOTE: Both of the above are also distinct from classic FS2Kx "A.I. Traffic", which one creates using AIBTC, AIFP, SDK TrafficTools).

AIBTC: AI Boat Traffic Compiler


AIFP: AI Flight Planner


FSX / P3D SDK - Traffic Toolbox


Perhaps you are referring above to workflows cited in this thread ?:


Most developers experienced in working with Freeway Traffic (aka FSX / P3D SDK "FreewayTrafficRoads") use SBuilderX.

AFAIK, alternate workflows used by advanced FSDEVs that use GIS applications are for large project purposes and are complex.

I have SbuilderX but don't know how to use it. Is there any tutorial (easy) that can help me learn how to use the darn thing? I know nothing about it, how to import my airport, how to edit the airport, nothing. I need a easy turtorial on how to use SbuilderX. everyone seems to be using that for things like adding traffic and such. Time for me to learn how to use it I guess.
Hi Tom:

For starters, here's some Google search hits I found in a rush on my way out for the afternoon, for posts relative to SBuilderX:


Here's a search on FSDEV for posts I've made relative to SBuilderX and CvxExtractor:


The FSX default and/or ADE Airport flatten Polygon is a CVX vector BGL that can be extracted by CvxExtractor to a ESRI Shapefile, then 'Appended' to SBuilderX.

The Airport BGL objects may be decompiled to SDK BGLComp XML, and vertex coordinates may be processed to make data that also can be 'Appended' to SBuilderX for reference when working on other scenery objects.

Making an airport is still best done in ADE via SDK BGLComp. :pushpin:

In this context, SBuilderX is used for making / placing level / sloped flattens, terrain modifications such as hills or mountains, land class, roads, water bodies, utility lines and other objects.

It also allows one to see FS objects superimposed on Satellite imagery or other Maps, screenshots etc. that have been 'Calibrated' for use.

Here are tutorials and posts regarding how to install / use SBuilderX:


I'll post some additional links here later, pending your reply to that info I have posted here thus far. :)

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