• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
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    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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MSFS20 Alpha_15_Release


Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor

This is the replacement for Alpha 14 with fixes applied.

  • Code and options for copying packages to community folder after build
  • Runway length specified in nautical miles causing CTD
  • Several bugs on surface settings
  • Source code generation error for aprons
The installer above can be used to update an existing Alpha 14 installation and I would appreciate you doing the update rather than creating a new installation. To Update use the browse button on the second screen to find your existing Alpha 14 main folder


The installer should then copy files changing only those that are new in the installer package. Your settings, model footprint database and LOM should remain the same from alpha 14

If you have not installed alpha 14 yet then just install alpha 15 in the default offered folder if possible
Hi Jon.
I installed the alpha 15 over my alpha 14. I have been working on default EDDL. I just tried to R+mouse mark the whole airport but I got an error message oft the kind that encloses a send function.

As this error send function closes the ADE20 I did not send but cancelled, got the question window "Do you want to save, not save or cancel. When cancelling (to avoid the closure of ADE) I hade the list with elements marked. The only type that I missed was the taxi signs. Taxiways, aprons etc were listed.

My aim was to mark all taxi signs for size and enlarge them. They are easier to spot and work with if they are larger, even if the in sim size doesn't change.

So I couldn't mark taxi signs. But after this the R+mouse function was locked, so if I clicked with the left mouse button to mark a node, the rectangle function was there instead. It was impossible to cancel this key combination.

I will open the alpha 15 again to see if this happens and will send the automatic error message if it pops up again. And the backup file.

EDIT: Opened the alpha 15 and the same airport again. This time there was no error message and when right clicking "Edit" the list of objects included Taxi signs, so I chase that type and could resioze them all as in the alpha 14. The error seems to have been temporary.
If you do get the error log blue window then please fill in some details and send it. Generally if you get the error log window ADE will CTD. You may be able to save your work before it ends.
After getting the blue error messages (and sending them) I accepted a save project, restarted ADE after the CTD. After a couple of new taxilines and signs and group editing of taxiway properties parsing worked AND "Do you want to copy to community?" message appeared and the copying was executed.
Stock airport (ANYN) first opened and edited in ADEalpha13, now in ADEalpha15; ADE works in MSFS with AI traffic, start locations are available, but only rwy30. Other start rwy12 is selectable, but aircraft appears at start rwy30. Fault Finder says: (both) "start locations missing". Fault Finder also finds missing starts in all other stock airports I have imported - even the 8 start locations in Frankfurt -, though the starts are visible in ADE UI. Cannot find an error in the *-airport.xml, the code there seems to be correct. In ADEalpha13, Fault Finder did not find such errors ...

Jon, thank you very much for developing your great tool further for MSFS !
Stock airport (ANYN) first opened and edited in ADEalpha13, now in ADEalpha15; ADE works in MSFS with AI traffic, start locations are available, but only rwy30. Other start rwy12 is selectable, but aircraft appears at start rwy30. Fault Finder says: (both) "start locations missing". Fault Finder also finds missing starts in all other stock airports I have imported - even the 8 start locations in Frankfurt -, though the starts are visible in ADE UI. Cannot find an error in the *-airport.xml, the code there seems to be correct. In ADEalpha13, Fault Finder did not find such errors ...

Jon, thank you very much for developing your great tool further for MSFS !
Thanks - that is a known error for starts in the fault finder and I am working on it. It is a false report
Hi Jon, just tried to put my user aircraft to start location rwy12, and found myself to sit at rwy30. Then, after removal of the ADE, it worked, rwy12 selected, user aircraft at start location rwy12 ...
You mean you tried to select R12 in sim as the start point and you ended up on R30. Can you make a backup of the ADE20 project using Project > Backup


And attach it to a post here so I can check it. Also what version of ADE20. Alpha 15 I think
Hi Jon, just klicked on a start location spot; the Properties window only shows the Location and Comments, no other options, there is a big grey blank space above, where heading and to which runway the start location belongs to should be; and yes, it's Alpha 15 ...
Hi Jon, just klicked on a start location spot; the Properties window only shows the Location and Comments, no other options, there is a big grey blank space above, where heading and to which runway the start location belongs to should be; and yes, it's Alpha 15 ...

OK - as per the pdf notes don't use the common properties dialog but rather use Ctl+Enter and use the property grid. Eventually I will catch up with the common property dialog and missing properties but right noe I am concentrating on getting functionality working


Aaah, ... thx Jon, that is in section "Not Yet Supported", but there is only "Select & Enter", with select and Ctl+Enter, I could open the dialog. The code is correct for both starts, as per your sreenshot, but in MSFS, selection of rwy12 still puts me to start of rwy30 ...
Just so I'm clear when you open a stock airport, all you are going to see is the whole taxi path network with runways, taxiways, and parking spaces. So to edit parking, you don't see the actual MSFS stock planes representing those spots like the A320, CRJ, 747, etc. And there is no way (not that I know of) to place any of the stock aircraft on the parking spots I guess unless there's a library for those? The library that comes with ADE only offers a few planes like the 747 but with no thumnail images. Would those planes work as AI? How can I add the MSFS stock planes if that's even possible or any others like FAIB, IVAO. Also if you were to edit a stock airport would all the airport buildings show up in the sim? I have read that most are autogen anyway, or do you have to add all the buildings? Coming over from X plane and using WED this is a really different world. MSFS SDK and DEV mode is currently terrible at best. This is great little editor I just have to understand what I can do with it. Thanks Scruffyduck
Aircraft would be SimObjects, not Library Objects. SimObjects are not currently supported in ADE. An example of a SimObject in xml:

    <SceneryObject lat="42.62864051051186" lon="-88.60142413369802" alt="0.00000000000000" pitch="0.000014" bank="-0.000014" heading="-179.999991" instanceId="{EFF8FF40-6703-4956-8355-E9BF0C802D66}" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="TRUE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <SimObject containerTitle="PolarBear" scale="1.000000"/>
Sim objects are on the list
Just so I'm clear when you open a stock airport, all you are going to see is the whole taxi path network with runways, taxiways, and parking spaces. So to edit parking, you don't see the actual MSFS stock planes representing those spots like the A320, CRJ, 747, etc. And there is no way (not that I know of) to place any of the stock aircraft on the parking spots I guess unless there's a library for those? The library that comes with ADE only offers a few planes like the 747 but with no thumnail images. Would those planes work as AI? How can I add the MSFS stock planes if that's even possible or any others like FAIB, IVAO. Also if you were to edit a stock airport would all the airport buildings show up in the sim? I have read that most are autogen anyway, or do you have to add all the buildings? Coming over from X plane and using WED this is a really different world. MSFS SDK and DEV mode is currently terrible at best. This is great little editor I just have to understand what I can do with it. Thanks Scruffyduck

Well if all is not much then yes. You won't see stock planes unless you place them. parking spots are represented by circular areas that can be set in size to ensure only certain type of airdraft stop there.

Stock airports come from the sim. We load them and modify them. Most buildings for the mass produced airports are autogen and would be excluded so you can add your own. Although the version of ADE you are using only has a few objects the next release will have a lot more. The Sim and ADE support glTF format models so there will be plenty of third party ones about in time I am sorry that I know nothing about X-Plane and WED. However ADE has been around since 2007 although the version for MSFS 2020 is mostly being re-written one way or the other.
What size gate would I use for the A320? Would that be considered small, medium or heavy. Also how do I fix open links? Also is it necessary for all faults to fixed in fault finder before building the package? I tried building one and got nothing but errors displayed on the left side of the command prompt screen that shows the build progress. It's obvious I have a lot to research and figure out. I appreciate the responses thanks so much.