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ADE Apron GP transparency.

Hi, I'm making an airport apron using GP polygons, lots of big concrete squares. I would like to get large aircraft oil stains on the ground. Is it possible to make the oil stains in Photoshop with a transparent background, save it as a separate texture and overlay this over the concrete?
I've tried doing this but somehow the oil layer loses it's transparency after I save it through DXTBmp to make the final bmp texture. The apron GPpolys show up fine.
This is for FSX acc by the way.
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What program are you using to make the ground polygons? I use 3dsmax and in there, the material has transparency options which you set to mask. Also make sure you are saving the image as a PNG with transparency.
Hi Rick, I'm using ADE to make the ground polygons which are basic concrete squares which were initially designed in Photoshop and saved as a Targa file. That then goes into DXTBmp and saved as a 32 bit bmp file. A corresponding 24bit file is also saved. Both go into the required two texture folders in the ADE tree. No problem there.

I then create the oil stains against a transparent background and save that as the above description with an alpha layer. Oddly enough, I don’t see this file in the GP editor within ADE. I haven't tried the PNG route.

I'm fairly at ease with all ADE does having used it for a few years but this has me stumped. I haven't used 3dsmax. Thanks for taking the time to help me out.
I assume you added the oil stain texture to the GP menu using the choice in the tools menu? Something like GP texture editor.
Yes Tom, the same as normal GP textures, saving as 32 and 24 bit bmp files into the relevant folders in ADE. However, I've managed to achieve what I was after, with Rick's help, by using a PNG with alpha out of Photoshop.
I also resurfaced two runways using 1024x1024 ground polys with my own "paint" markings, each image laid end to end for the length of the runway. I wasn't able to "tile" the image but it doesn't matter, it looks the way I wanted.
My next step is to custom gp poly the current landclass areas around the airport in a ten mile radius to really get the feel of a city below the approach. This would also allow me to replicate the look of a real coastline. I can't use sat images as this is an airport from sixty years ago and too much has changed compared to today. All this has been done in ADE.