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Apron oil stains floating

I'm using FSX Acc along with ADE with ProKey. I have made a custom airport over five years and have typical 3rd party oil stains on the apron.
I can't remember where I got the oil texture from but they float about five feet above the apron. You can only see them from an elevated viewpoint. They are invisible when the viewpoint is at ground level. They just vanish as the viewpoint becomes horizontal.
Two things...where in the FSX tree structure would the file be and mainly, how can I fix the discrepancy? I'm assuming that altitude is responsible but can't find the file.
A big thanks if anyone can help. I'm almost finished after five years and this issue is holding everything up.
Are your AI aircraft sitting on the ground and not up high?
Have you changed the elevation of the airport from the default elevation? Do you have a stub file in the scenery/world/scenery folder?
Just checked. I do have a stub file in the scenery/world/scenery folder for this folder. It is at the top of the listing. My custom airport when opened in ADE has an elevation of 85 feet which is the same as the default FSX airport which has been replaced by my custom airport.
The stub file in BGLviewer has an elevation of 86 feet. I'm unsure of the implication here even though it appears obvious. I will take any advice you offer, Tom.
In some cases, I could never change the elevation of the default airport without things being at the wrong elevation, even with a stub file. I’m not sure why. Anyway, elevation changes can cause issues that are very difficult to solve.

I would first try removing any stub file for that airport in scenery world scenery – make sure there’s not more than one – and then recompile and create a new stub file.
Tom, I've removed the stub file and everything now looks good. I had never considered there might be a stub file until you mentioned it. Thanks for your help, the oil stains on the tarmac are now at the correct level.
I've recompiled but there is no new stub file. Not sure how to create one.
If it works without the stub file, I would leave it out. The stub file is created by ADE automatically if you change the name or elevation of the airport, using the tool in the tools menu.