• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Arlanda, Stockholm

P3D is a really headache! Just a few days ago, they released V2.5 update.
I told anyone, who asked me if my scenery supported P3D, that let they stopped updating first, then I would update my scenery to support P3D.
It is a good thing to update. It is a bad thing to chase those updates.
P3D is a really headache! Just a few days ago, they released V2.5 update.
I told anyone, who asked me if my scenery supported P3D, that let they stopped updating first, then I would update my scenery to support P3D.
It is a good thing to update. It is a bad thing to chase those updates.

Please let them NOT stop updating P3D! From what I hear there shouldn't be too many issues occuring with products released for an earlier version of P3D. I use P3D almost all the time (except when I fly the 777) and airports that were released for P3D V2.2 still work as they should in P3D V2.5 without patches or updates. So you can give it a try, 2.5 is out fresh and it will take a few months before 2.6 so the best time to try is now!
I guess it's a hassle and let see how much problems there will be. P3D is at least in my opinion where flightsim will be in a few years, so regardless I need to find a way to make it work there

Slowly moving forward. P3D 2.4 are these shots from.
He is not going to finish soon, I promise you.
It all looks very nice already and I am rather envious of his achievements so far and on such a big airport at that!
But someone who thinks that texturing for instance is done in a jiffy, has no idea how long it takes to do it decently.
And then, he still has to wrestle with the P3D compatibility and to make some animated scenery objects and check on the stuff the real or the ex pilots look for like present approach patterns, true to life present taxiway signs and parking and so forth.
And then he still will get some people complaining about the absence of garbage cans that should be there and are not.
Me, I have to confess, I like eyecandy a lot but I also prefer to have a fluid FS experience.
With that in mind, I could use as an example the payware Thessaloniki scenery for FSX from I do not remember who (I am abroad and do not have it here, sorry) that gave me a GoogleEarth-Streetview-like idea of the airport and told me exactly where I had to find my rented car when I arrived there shortly afterwards in real life (I have this silly habit of trying to do the holiday flight myself before leaving it to Easyjet, Transavia or Ryanair or whatever airline, to get me there:)).
However, from the point of view of a pilot, I had some problems with the approach and once on the runway to be guided to the 737-800 Ryanair parking spot ( and once there, no moving jetway either:(). Bugger!
Gee, what a pity that there was no moving custom jetway (and as they told me, although I did not notice because I was too busy landing), no "3D" approach lights either when I would have landed on the opposite end of the runway.
On top of all that (they said), the ground looked a bit fuzzy like they could have used a higher res texture but did not. And I could have invented a lot more things that I would have liked better but still, for one stupid reason or another I was more than pleased with this scenery because it is very close to real, even for pilots, in spite of those absent garbage cans/dust bins and the moving jetways.

Writing this 'epistle' on my laptop, I lost some of my previous text. I therefore better conclude with
- Good job, Voyage;
- Do not hesitate to ask me/us for help if you need it ( as long as it is for this freeware scenery);
- eye candy is OK but not when it interferes with the the FPS or to the detriment of other more important things;
- and do not mind all those that force you in to releasing something that is not yet fully to your liking (even if freeware) because some will surely find something then to bring you down .:(
- And I am starting to wonder whether it is such a good idea to release too many screenshots or not because there will be others that manage to get better screenshots of parts of their personally made custom scenery and thereby using tools and satellite images and other copywrited things to show you how good they are.
I have to stop, because there are so many more issues involved and it is my supper time:)
Get in touch with our Guru ( Bjorn, former Swedfight) if needed.


Thanks for some interesting reflections regarding developments, I agree with plenty. And yes there is tons of work left. Luckily I haven't come to any problems with the sdk so far but I'm sure it's just around the corner. Aerosoft has been kind enough to let me use their object library which will speed up some parts radically, don't worry the scenery is and will be freeware anyways. So the screens showed here is not really accurate (light poles does not look like that at arlanda) but was tempted just trying some stuff out. And yes I can't express how important it is not to view this as how it will look like, there will be changes and improvements but just to get a little feeling about the scenery here you have the cargo area. Oh and the shadow map got a notch wrongly placed. Buildings by my colleague Philip. Hope you enjoy!

Mas618, I'm very flattered by your will to donate.
I will try to set up something so that whoever wants to contribute can do so. If that's how I can finance another project after this, that would be wonderful.

I've set up a Facebook-page now. I think that will be better than using this Showroom for discussions regarding the project. So you are all welcome there.

The link is:

I will put up new screens at least every week for as long as the project continues.
So come there, get involved and show your love.

If you prefer to stay here I will put some stuff up here every now & then as well.

Thank you all.
Great - I hear Paypal do a great donation service. I know my VA has it and also Rainer who made the light fixes for Aerosoft airports in p3d... I'm not using FB, but I'll just monitor this thread for previews when there are any... Keep up the good work!