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AUTOGEN Suppression definitely made by ADE GP's -choices?

Either a flickering ground poly when made with the 7mm offset option, but the autogen shows where its supposed to..
... or a Gp made with the fs8 style and big distinct lines in the cutoff edges of the autogen. what to do.... Has anyone figured this one out yet?
I cant understand any of the 2nd - less understood - method of fixing this using the dummy something er other method....(nice dead end link in that description too, page that says "teayz" or something.....)
I wish I could just plop a tree down and it would stick there....lol ( and change with the season) how can a tool like ADE, something so widely used to make airports have such a fatal flaw as to suppress the AG, what could be a fix for this?
putting the finishing touches on an airport, but without the trees, its looking incomplete
"Its like running around a tree trying to catch yourself"
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Either a flickering ground poly when made with the 7mm offset option, but the autogen shows where its supposed to..
... or a Gp made with the fs8 style and big distinct lines in the cutoff edges of the autogen. what to do.... Has anyone figured this one out yet?
I cant understand any of the 2nd - less understood - method of fixing this using the dummy something er other method....(nice dead end link in that description too, page that says "teayz" or something.....).

Please state which G-Poly method (MDL-based or SCASM / ASM-based) ...and the FS version you are referring to.

I'm curious if this is a continuation of the issues originally discussed in this thread:


Are you referring to work-arounds via a dummy Rotate call or a "dummy Scale" command i.e., a SCALE_AGL with all its fields set to 0 ? :scratchch


PS: Please post a link to the thread with a "dead end link in that description too, page that says "teayz" or something.....). :coffee:

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I dont know what method it is, Im compiling with ADE 170 and 175 - tried both and the results are..

Hi Gary, Yes you are corrct with the link to the posts, but this is not a continuation of my previous post. That I was able to get working with a group size of 50.

unfortunately this time, for this airport, 50 isnt the solution.

For P3DV4.X+, I tried to use a group of 100, 150, 1000, 20000, 0, these sizes made no difference, when i compiled the airport using the ____mm offset option, i tried 1, 7,100, 500 mm settings and this works to let the autogen show, but it will not display the GP's ( i think with 7mm, it was the flickering ground effect, hard to remember exactly with so many compiles back to back)

thanks for looking!
I started a new folder for the airport and slowly put in each .bgl until i reached the ADE_GP.BGL - that was the culprit, so thats how i came to the conclusion.
Have you imported the ADE-GP BGL into MCX, and tried exporting via both G-Poly methods (MDL-based and/or SCASM / ASM-based) ? ;)


Hi Gary,
I have tried to import it into MCX and merge?..I couldn't figure it out. Can you explain how to do what you are suggesting? I will give it a go right away!

I must depart for the day in a matter of minutes, :cool:

Perhaps I can look at this further tomorrow later in the day. :scratchch

If you have an example G-Poly you would like me to test in FSX, ZIP it with its mapped textures, and send a link to download it via PM here. :pushpin:

NOTE: Those arcane tweaks are used by both Don and Arno internally in their G-Poly utility features, so one may not need to do this manually on *.ASM intermediate work files cited in other discussions on the "DUMMY" work-arounds. ;)

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In MCX, load your GP's (after merging into one mdl and export as a P3Dv4 object) in the GPW. Then check if your layers are correct (and negative). Add the coordinates and the airport elevation at the right side of the window, uncheck everything except 'no autogen suppression' and compile as a P3Dv4 bgl (export as scenery).
Hi Robystar,
Do you mean to load the base layer image for the airport as the GP? I dont understand what the merge into one model part is, or what to do there to make a model out of ADE's Ground polys ..( unless i think to refer to it as something different). could you explain how to make them into a model?
I dont think i would have a problem with the rest of your instructions. hey thats why im here! thanks!
Hi again:

I'm still on the road, but just got a few minutes free.

Import the G-Poly BGL output by ADE-GP into Arno's ModelConverterX (aka "MCX").

That BGL will likely contain multiple segments (sliced on the "Cardinal" N-S, E-W terrain quad 'Area' grid axes) that are pieces of the original rectangular G-Poly imported from the textured flat 3D source file.

Those segments must be merged into a 1-piece object that can be loaded into the MCX Ground Polygon Wizard.




One will then configure the G-Poly parameters for the desired format (FSX -or- P3D MDL versus SCASM / ASM FS8 legacy format BGL).

Although presently FS8 / FS9 / FSX / P3D all support display of SCASM / ASM (FS2002 SDK) legacy format G-Poly BGLs, that legacy support may be discontinued for P3D at any time in the future.

FSX will display FSX SDK MDL-based G-Polys with 'some' residual flickering / shadow issues which may be mostly (but not completely) minimized by MCX G-Poly Wizard output configuration settings, as it does not support the Z-Bias Material Property available in P3D (and in FS8 / FS9 legacy format G-Poly BGLs).

Regardless of FSX versus P3D MDL -or- SCASM / ASM legacy format BGL G-Poly output format, there may still be 'some' issues with Autogen suppression based on a number of factors which may not always be easy to troubleshoot.

However, since MDL-based G-Polys are placed via BGLComp, one may solve 'most' such issues related to Autogen suppression by using the "NoAutogenSuppression" XML element in the placement XML source code.

Depending on what FS version one is developing for, one may wish to implement a few additional Material Properties for G-Polys that are available only in MDL-based format; otherwise one (currently) may use SCASM / ASM FS8 legacy format G-Poly BGLs which have minimal Material Property attributes available.

For more complete elimination of flickering / shadow issues in P3D, utilize the P3D SDK "Z-Bias" Material Property and be aware that MCX G-Poly Wizard necessarily utilizes 'negative' numbers for Z-Bias to (virtually) 'raise' the G-Poly display position AGL in FS at run time ...when compared to the 'positive' VTP Layer numbers utilized for output of SCASM / ASM FS8 legacy format G-Poly BGLs.

Hope this helps with sorting out the alternate work-flow of using MCX G-Poly Wizard to post-process ADE-GPs. :)

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