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P3D v4 Belgium Photoreal - Version 2

The lights shouldnt be autogens i dont add them to the annotator

They're library objects though, right? Sceneproc has to read them from the default.xml in order to "see" them and compile a BGL ( or AGN )
They're library objects though, right? Sceneproc has to read them from the default.xml in order to "see" them and compile a BGL ( or AGN )
no, you mustn't that's why it doesn't work for you :p
you just make the library and use place XML lib object instead of agn and that will do the work, and ofc export as BGL

like me :
the guid is manualy set
no, you mustn't that's why it doesn't work for you :p
you just make the library and use place XML lib object instead of agn and that will do the work, and ofc export as BGL

like me :
the guid is manualy set

Okay, this sounds awesome but there's nothing in the manual refering to a placei command, so I don't know how to organise the folders in order to get it to write what I need. I've tried writing to the scenery folder, to a spare folder ( both with my own 3D light model BGL inside ). The code detects the points, but doesn't write any XML objects? It's very hard to understand what to do when there's no workflow in the manual for this.
Here's my code;

ExportBGL|FSX|Costa_lights_New|D:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Addon Scenery\Flightbeam - MROC\scenery
no placei is an attribute that i invented
if you look at the entire code you'll get it

here is the complete code , in scenproc we can create our own attributes to make the work easier

ImportOGR|C:\Users\picos info\Downloads\algeria lights\gis.osm_landuse_a_free_1.shp|*|*|+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs



#ImportOGR|C:\Users\picos info\Downloads\algeria lights\gis.osm_roads_free_1.shp|*|*|+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs


ExportBGL|FSX|ALGERIA_LIGHTS|E:\BPW\Algeria lights\scenery|KEEPXML
in that code you can understand that i make an attribute called PLC and i asign the value to "Place" for residential and "placei" for industrial
@RED COOL I can see what you're saying but my shp data needs me to place points along a line, which in your code is # so it's not being used. I'll have a go with my 3D lights again and try some combinations based on what you've shared. Thanks by the way, I'll get it in the end, I can follow the code but it's baby steps for me at the moment :)
the part that is # was cacelled for performance issues as my pc couldn't handle the entire country
the part that is # was cacelled for performance issues as my pc couldn't handle the entire country

Okay, but I can no longer use Point to Polygon as it's not recognised. I can see how you're using three steps to place the light, but I can't follow those same three steps in the same way as Sceneproc won't allow it due to the step not being recognised. Must be another that can be used?
i can remake it if you want a brand new code! cus this is from 2 years ago

Thanks, but I'm not sure whether there's anything wrong with the code. I got the BGLs to compile but once again, nothing shows in the sim despite a 2MB BGL in the scenery folder, and of course the model's source BGL. I tried the same code with an ORBX light that's already displaying elsewhere, and still nothing. I'm beginning to think that there must be something else stopping the models displaying, so I'd better figure out if that's the case before anybody spends too much more time on this. Thanks for your help though, I'm getting there ( slowly ) :)
have you got the lastest scenproc version ? with the update ?

I believe so, it's set to alert to new versions and it's not doing so - v1.1x64

I'll keep plugging away at it. Sceneproc is placing everything else just fine, it just won't place any kind of streetlight, mine or ORBX. I'll try with some other object types today and see what happens...
@MatthiasKNU @RED COOL Cracked it chaps! :wizard:

Created a brand new scenery folder, ran the script there, added the scenery as normal and bingo, millions of streetlights and zero performance hit! Thank you very much for all your help, another process and workflow ( finally) understood :)
Hi guys!

Some of you might remember this project...
As announced elsewhere, I started working on it again and created a new version. Version 2.
Meanwhile there are already the first pictures:





I hope that Belgium v2 goes online this week!





