Yes. It should be "altitudeIsAgl" since the 'above' is already in the 'A' of Agl
I also believe that
heading/pitch/bank value should not be displayed with decimals. Same thing for Altitude.
I will remove that in the next version.
Thanks Gary
It looks like I may have made an editing error while copying / posting links above; I have now corrected the links in my post above at:
Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
I believe that a further review might be helpful in considering the apparent conclusions to be drawn from this thread linked from my post above:
...and the subsequent wiki apparently written by Gianni Mantellini (aka "
FYI: I posted further on the important impact on FS run time performance the "
Heading" variable may have ...depending on how it is interpreted, compiled,
and stored within a BGL another thread here:
AFAIK, the conclusion arising within the above threads is that the intended parameter "value" for Heading must be submitted to the SCASM compiler as a
floating point number (aka a "float" in programmers terminology).
The distinction between the required specifically-formatted, minimum (2)-decimal place floating point
Heading parameter value source code submitted to the SCASM compiler, and that of "other" parameter variables submitted to FS default SDK compilers, is ACES has stated a minimum of (6)-decimal places are required for proper (
or 'any' !) utilization of certain objects and content ...when developing for MSFS.
I am inclined to assume that after compilation of the source code, the intended parameter "value" for Heading will also then be stored within the BGL the (
proprietary ?) digital representation of the original floating point number for that parameter "value" in the original source code.
When I refer to a MSFS variable expressed as a
parameter "
value", I am of course referring to the entire string of characters (digits) such that the string of numerical digits used represents a number which is not an integer (aka a "non-integer") virtue of having a minimum of 2 (two) decimal places.
NOTE: You are probably already quite familiar with the concepts in the
wikipedia articles I linked to above; I cited that info here to minimize misinterpretation of my statements by those new to such info, while also hoping to minimize misrepresentation and/or obfuscation of my statements which might otherwise occur due to posts by certain mischievous individuals here at fsdeveloper forums
Thus, IIUC, MSFS Heading should be expressed as a specifically-formatted floating point number parameter "value" when submitted to the
ex: SCASM compiler.
Since it has been emphasized on multiple occasions by Arno that after compilation into a BGL, the (
functionality and/or the actual digital code ?) of
MSFS BGL code generated by SCASM is no different from that generated by the equivalent FS SDK compiler(s), one might wonder if the same criteria for Degree range formatting and minimum 2-decimal floating point applies with parameter values for
Heading when submitted to the equivalent FS SDK compiler(s) ...just as it does with the SCASM compiler ?
I 'infer' that parameter values for
Heading may also subsequently be stored within the BGL as a digital representation of the original floating point number for that parameter "value" in the source code submitted to the compiler; if that is actually the case, then it would seem appropriate that when de-compiling / viewing / extracting the parameter "value" as
ex: tabular info and/or 'source code', one should also write it back out as a floating point number.
Again, I am new to the "
obscure innards of BGLs"; but I am compelled to ask, in light of your quoted statement above and my elaborations on the topic within this post:
* After compiled, aren't floating point numbers in parameter values stored inside BGLs as a digital representations of those floating point numbers ...with levels of precision matching that used in the source code (assuming degradation of data accuracy has not taken place via lossy compression imposed 'mandatorily' by the compiler)
* When de-compiled / viewed / extracted from a BGL, shouldn't the parameter "value" output as
ex: tabular info and/or 'source code', also be written back out as a floating point number ...with levels of precision matching that used in the "original" source code (assuming degradation of data accuracy has not taken place via lossy compression imposed 'mandatorily' by the compiler)
Thanks again for your efforts with this project, and I look forward to your reply to these questions.