Hi guys!
After a few years being busy with kids, work and life in general, I just dropped in to have a quick look at what has become of Blender2FSX/P3D and... WOW! I hadn't expected this! To see you guys still developing and actively supporting this script 6 years down the road makes me feel like I started something back then. Thank you all for keeping it up!
@Dutcheeseblend (beta-tester #1)
@krispy1001 @ronh @dave hoeffgen @MANOCHVARMA RAMAN and the dauntless testers who were curious enough to step into modelling for FSX using Blender. Some of them still around...
@Chrismot @spotlope ... BTW In case you're wondering, the announcement of FS2020 got me curious and brought me back to fsdeveloper.com. Let's see what's in it from a 3rd-party perspective.