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FSX Can't get Parking spots to compile - No AI traffic

I've read all the turtorials I can find for FSX PLANNER, but I can't find anything detailing how to use the following:
1 How to set a parking spot for airplanes. I have designed a military airport in which the taxi paths to parking spots are on a tarmac with no gates. The taxi lines to parking spaces are several circular patterns on the ramp with a parking spot marked in the middle of the elongated circle. I've done this by placing the parking spot on the taxi line and it dissapears when compiled. I've also done this by making a section of the circle, between two taxi nodes, a parking path. When I do this, it fails to compile.

2. How to get AI airplanes to take off, land and park at the AF base.
I can't find any instructkions on how to set up taxiways to allow the AI aircraft to follow taliways to parking spots or to an active runway. Is there a required taxiway numbering system? Are the taxiways directional for AI traffic? Is it necessary to name parking spots a certain way?

3. How to set parking spots for vehicles? I saw a post about this that said to place a parking spot for the vehicle. But how do I connect the parking spot to vehicle taxiways? Does the path have to be circular, going back to the parking spot?

Most of what I've done so far has been by trial and error, since the available tutorials don't go into enough detail.

Thanks for any help,

parking spots


I am not sure what tool your using or tutorials.
But I have a tool to try. AFCAD for FSX. You can simply add
jetways, parking, taxi ways and runways. You can also move existing
parking too. Plus you can never hurt the original scenery.

Great tool!

When I add parking. The AI uses these everytime.

Hope this helps! But not sure if this is good for your project?

[FSX] Can't get Parking spots to compile - No AI traffic

I'm using FSX Planner. I don't think I can mix AFCAD for FSX with FSX Planner. Thanks for the reply.

Hopefully someone with FSX Planner experience will chime in.

I'm afraid the developers of FSX Planner have been very quiet for a while.

Why not try ADE? It is applicable to both FS9 and FSX.
Problem solved

Well I figured it out by trial and error. I guess I just didn't understand the instructions. I never attached a taxi-parking line to the parking spot. After making that change the AI aircraft showed up.

Well, this is the correct way to go about it to have AI working well.

First, once you have added your runway you need to add a Taxiway of type RUNWAY so that your AI can take off from your rwy. To do that:
  • Add a taxiway node on each end of the runway head. Keep in mind which
    runway number is the primary.
  • Connect both ends (taxiway nodes on the ends of the runway) with a Taxiway of type RUNWAY
  • Set the NUMBER property of your Taxiway of type Runway with the same number of the PRIMARY runway.
  • On top of each of the taxiway nodes that you created at each end of the runway, place a START LOCATION (the pinkish circle) with the same orientation as the runway head.

Second make your Taxiways to the apron. The segments of the taxiways that touch the runway should:
  • Have a taxiway node right in the middle of the runway over the Taxiway of Runway type you created before. The other end goes to the rest of the taxiway.
  • Mark this newly created taxiway that connects to the runway with the NUMBER property set to the number of the Primary runway

At some point your taxiway should end up in a parking place where your AI starts.
  • Create a taxiway node from the feeder taxiway to an end point in front or near your parking location. It should connect to the rest of the taxiway network
  • Create a PARKING LOCATION object with the correct type (GATE, RAMP, etc.), size (Small, Medium, Large) and make sure its NUMBER property is unique. Start with zero.
  • Connect your PARKING LOCATION circle to the Taxiway node you created nearby (in this same procedure) with a TAXIWAY of type PARKING.
  • Set the Pushback property of the parking location to either BOTH, LEFT or RIGHT