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Cat question

Hi Arno
I read in this forum on trayning porpouse, I have a background on CG but for the coding stuff it's really not my pleasure, but I need to learn, so maybe I can start to work on scenery design.
I have to say thet it's not easy to found tools to produce scenery, without your help this community will have very hard time to figureout to solve problem.
So thanks for your contribution. anyway
I start on a project and made some tryout on using CAT and came on some trouble.
I was wondering if i made some mistake, I have attached my file to give you the possibility to check.
If you give to me your mail I will send you the gmax file to get all aspect.

If you think I can ask you more info on other aspect I will really happy so I can finalize the project.
You can find my mail on user CP
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Hi Fabrizio,

Looking at your source code, I think you have not named your animations correctly. To make proper scenery animations, their parts need to start with tick18_. I think that is not the case at the moment.

With your current settings, the animation is probably not working in FS as well. In general it is a good idea to test a GMax animation in FS, before you start to tweak it further with CAT.
Hi Arno
thank you for your time you are right I made a mistake in rename animation object with tick_18 and not tick18_.
Anyway I menage to have some succesful animation but I have still some problem. :(
There are 10 animated doors in my Hangar and in gmax they works fine but in FS one door is working on strange way and one dosen't open.
Maybe I can animate only 8 Object?

On try to animate with cat in my mind it was
the first enable animation contidion - ( airplane near to the hangar)
Bounding box
enable animation trigger ( start animation as in the toutorial explain)
07C2h NAV2freq
In this way nothing works

so I try to use only
enable animation trigger
07C2h NAV2freq
It works fine as you can try in the .bgl.

I certanly doing something wrong but wath I don't know
The procedure

from gmax ---->

to CAT------->

to BGLC_9.exe---->
cat.bgl rename .mdl

to Bglcomp.exe------->
The final .BGL

Another advice: Is how to stop for crashing the airplane in the hangar if it's correct in the xml I have o write <NoCrash/> correct? but if I compute the xml with bglcomp.exe I get error :tapedshut

And the final at last Is how to light the apron with some static Lampost.
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Hi Simbio,

simbiosi said:
Maybe I can animate only 8 Object?

No, you should be able to animate ten as well. I will take a look at your object to see if I can spot something there (could take a day or two).

simbiosi said:
Bounding box

Did you put minus signs in front of the minimum values? With the values you posted here you have a box of size 0 and of course nothing will work in that case as your aircraft never fits in it :).

simbiosi said:
to BGLC_9.exe---->
cat.bgl rename .mdl

You can also use the Compile MDL button of CAT here (on the last screen). This saves the renaming as an MDL for use in the XML file is produced right away.

simbiosi said:
Another advice: Is how to stop for crashing the airplane in the hangar if it's correct in the xml I have o write <NoCrash/> correct? but if I compute the xml with bglcomp.exe I get error :tapedshut

Either export from GMax without crash detection (for example by putting crash=0 in your makemdl.cfg file (if you use one)). Or use the attachtool script to remove the crash boxes. See the SDK for an example of this.

simbiosi said:
And the final at last Is how to light the apron with some static Lampost.

This is nothing to do with CAT of course :), but in Fs2004 the easiest way is probably a effect file. Or you can also use the BGL_LIGHT command of GMax, but that has some complications with the Fs2004 gamepack. Both these things have been discussed on the forum before. I think you can find some topics if you search the GMax and Effects forums.
red light

Hi Arno thanks for your reply I finally made my animation correct with cat.
I also learn to craete lampole with land_light system.
I follow your tip on the avsim taking out the comment from the box session.
But no result :banghead: .
Any way i post the file so you can have a look :confused: .
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Hi Fabrizio,

I could not find anything wrong with your code. Only when I removed the total animation (also the origional one, not tweaked with CAT), did the lights show. So I guess you found yet another bug in MakeMDL.

PS. Next time you can better post a question like this in the GMax or BGL Tweaking forum, as it has nothing to do with CAT.
Thank's Arno and sorry to post on the wrong site.
If you don't mind I will repost everithing on gmax forum.
Thank's anyway.
simbiosi said:
Thank's Arno and sorry to post on the wrong site.
If you don't mind I will repost everithing on gmax forum.

No problem this time. It is just that if you post in the correct forum other people with the same problem can find your solution faster :).