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FS2004 Clouds and transparent parts

Thank you for your thoughts, all's well here, so far.
Solid parts behind the windows in the front become transparent
If you carefully dissect the model, you'll find that the condition you describe is, more exactly, this; Solid parts behind the windows in the front, that also have windows between, become transparent.
To test this, all you'd need do is remove your "inner glass texture" from the texture folder. Also, you can see that despite whatever render issue the double compile created, solid parts remain visible in the tower model I'd uploaded.

It may very be that all you have to do is add another material attribute, to get two competing transparent textures, to not have interference issues. However, the effect of making objects invisible was the specific reason I'd developed the single side transparency technique.
One clue to the situation appears to be the railing, how it is visible only on one side. It is a common trick to use a decal of a fence, as a texture, to reduce by a factor of 8, the number of polygons necessary to represent one section of fence. Normally, the one side texture is visible from the other side. Here's an example:


Further, you can see that the clear glass does not hide other objects. I'd say that the situation merits exploring material attribute settings. You could take the glass from my tower version, open it in MCX, note any settings and compare to your own version, if there are any significant differences to test.

I looked back through the thread and there is one more thing to consider. A valid solution to the "cloud drawing order" problem you initially described, is to add an empty LOD to the model. I had not made that connection before, apologies. I am pretty sure material attribute settings also cure the cloud issue, but they have to be specific and I've given you all I know, to run your own search.

If the model is fine, except for the cloud drawing and adding an empty LOD fixes it, then you should be good.
Thanks Rick, lot of interesting details!
Which airport is on the nice picture?
I tested without my "inner_glass", but the result is not better.


I think the tower is fine for me, it is just a airport for my own use, no upload intended.