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MSFS20 Couple of issues exporting GLTF XML


Great app!

I have noticed some issues while exporting a GLTF model with LOD's.

1. The minSize attribute value is seemingly generated by a simple `ToString()`. This causes issues with different culture number formatting. Mine exported as `10,00` instead of `10.00`.
2. Not sure if it affects anything, but an imported minSize of `1` was exported as `1.015625`. Perhaps there should be rounding? XML schema is missing for LODS/LOD, so cant really say.

Can I also request an option for raw export of a model? Currently it seems any transforms on nodes in the hierarchy is 'applied' and is eliminated for the exported model (unity transform). I understand this is done to prevent common issues, but would be nice to have as a reference.


Thanks for reporting. I'll fix the ToString so that it is invariant of the system decimal setting.

About the lod value, MCX converts it internally to FSX lod value and on export converts the other way again. That will give the small difference.

Since glTF is exported without animations now all transformations are removed as well. That simplifies the model.
I have fixed the comma vs dot issue now, so in the next development release that will be fixed.
I have fixed the comma vs dot issue now, so in the next development release that will be fixed.
Good reminder here,

Region Settings on the PC must be 'USA' for correct handling of dot and comma when exporting a model with FSX_GmaxGamePack, but is this also required when exporting from MCX to glTF?

And, Arno, I replied to your response in the Conversations box on Tuesday, but no re-response from you until now; is the Conversations function a bad idea to get and remain in contact with you?

Greetings Jan
Region Settings on the PC must be 'USA' for correct handling of dot and comma when exporting a model with FSX_GmaxGamePack, but is this also required when exporting from MCX to glTF?

For the xtomdl tool it is required indeed, but for exporting gltf it should not. But since I have my decimal character set to dot I don't always notice the issues with the comma.

And, Arno, I replied to your response in the Conversations box on Tuesday, but no re-response from you until now; is the Conversations function a bad idea to get and remain in contact with you?

Yes, I have seen your reply. But haven't had the time yet to answer. Some evenings I'm more in the mood program and work on new features for the tools.