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FSX Cracow city aka "VFR Balice FSX"


Its first scenery which im involved in.

In 2008 group called Spectatex (not existing now) published "VFR balice" for fs9.
Next, after few years they updated it.
Little info from 2012 about this scenery is here:

Anyway, I, with ex member of this group working on expanded version for FSX.

Few features of this scenery:
* ortophoto layer 0.7m/pix - for this purpose i think its enough : )
* winter, summer, hi detailed water mask and night
* area 10km x 13km
* hundreds hand modelled buildings
* custom autogen- custom trees (4 seasons textures), buildings with custom textures
* very dense autogen which fill the rest of scenery
- 2 000 groups of trees, 37 000 single trees, 28 000 buildings
* road traffic
* performance? yes!, on my old pc it runs ok, also thinking about
few versions of autogen (fsx trees, custom trees) and resolution of textures.
* everything done according to msfs SDK

How does it look?

No retouch except the frame.

Winter textures

Night mask

Blending two layers

Alpha autogen

It won`t have blend layer because in future maybe we buy more photos and expand the
scenery, who knows!

Hope you like it


Little info about project:

Finished trees models - 8 types with 4 textures each.

Now converting and placing the parts from old scenery to FSX
It takes much time cause there is more than 1 000 single buildings.
Finishing it right now.

Some close-up shoots (only modelled buildings):

Main square

Level of scenery detail

Variety of trees autogen

what about compatibility with ftx and DD Design Airport of Krakow?

This is exactly the question that first came to my mind. I don't think many simmers would fly to Cracow without DD EPKK. ;)
I think some excluding will be necessary as the DD product contains some (rather primitive) version of the Cracow Main Square area.

And, of course, congratulations on a great looking project.
I did a lot of flying over the FS9 version before switching to FSX last year.
All in all this is my university city I spent some years in.

Keep up the great work!

All the best,

Thank you for yours kind words.

seam77 said:
what about compatibility with ftx and DD Design Airport of Krakow???

The compatibility must be done in two areas:
- autogen
- ground poly

Autogen - thanks to Darren & Vikki from Earth Simulation - will be compatible with best sceneries for FSX. Developers: Earth Simulations, Orbx, Fly Tampa, 29 Palms, Aerosoft, VFR France, VFR Germany and others, DD Design in their sceneries dont edit the autogen files, only static models without vector multi positioning, with autogen default libraries.

Ground poly - as mentioned previous - i wanted to leave it as is now,without blend, treat this scenery as a first tile, in next year buy more photos and expand scenery- second tile and so on.
The colour of photos was edited and next retouched. Looks realistic and ok with default FSX textures

But maybe it will be better to add blend layer - with it will be compatible with everything. Its topic to discuss, must hire some beta testers with proper sceneries

Rafal said:
I think some excluding will be necessary as the DD product contains some (rather primitive) version of the Cracow Main Square area

This scenery dont overlap the airport itself. It should be enought to install on top of it.

Hi Boys how is Krakow City,any update or photos??
Czesc Chlopaki jak tam ida prace nad Krakowem jakies newsy albo foty???;)