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CTD when building scenery

After the latest update, I'm getting CTD when building scenery packages. The issue occurs when the simulator tries to display the new console. I've been able to recreate the issue by trying to manually open the console (~), which causes a CTD.

Thankfully the package build works, and the scenery displays correctly when placed in the community folder, but having to restart the sim every single time is really slowing down my workflow.

Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I can't open my bgl in the inspector after the update, it causes a crash to desktop.
I can't open my bgl in the inspector after the update, it causes a crash to desktop.
the same here!
I read something about a problem caused by ProjectedMesh (I have a projectedMesh on my scenery..)
I don't have the link now, you can find it on the FS official forum
the same here!
I read something about a problem caused by ProjectedMesh (I have a projectedMesh on my scenery..)
I don't have the link now, you can find it on the FS official forum
Yep, I can confirm, that the trouble source here is Projected Mesh in the scenery. If I remove the projected mesh from the xml, the bgl opens in the editor without CTD. A hotfix is urgently needed.
I was wondering what they broke this time. ZenDesk it and hope for the best. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let the forum there know.
I was wondering what they broke this time. ZenDesk it and hope for the best. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let the forum there know.
It looks like they broke the SDK stuff only with this, as projected meshes display fine in the compiled packages, they just do not load well into the dev mode. Real nuisance.
This is my search to this issue till now (without any result)

Could you please also check the taxi lights? After the new update there are many in place (which I never placed myself). A new problem reported from many users (and of course it happened to many addons already released). It seems like something to the light rows?

This is my search to this issue till now (without any result)

Could you please also check the taxi lights? After the new update there are many in place (which I never placed myself). A new problem reported from many users (and of course it happened to many addons already released). It seems like something to the light rows?

Yep, had this issue today with Drzewiecky's Narita. Was a little bit shocked with a myriad of violet taxi lights.
Thanks, @manlo. I was just about ready to post similar findings. The groupIndex parameter which is added to every object is causing the problem and its implementation is fragile.
I just had also CTD while compiling or loading a project I've been working on this afternoon, but I am not using any ProjectedMesh. Here's what I found after 1 hour of troubleshooting:
- duplicating objets add a displayName=" (copy)" element in the xml.
- duplicating again and again the same object will add lenghty elements such as displayName=" (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)"
this eventually leads to a CTD when trying to compile.

Removing all displayName=" (copy).... from my xml solved the problem.
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@mottoth I think you're on to something here. I have a lot of duplicated objects in the scenery. Going to try your fix, and see how it works. Thanks!

edit: Still getting CTD with the displayName removed.
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Could you please also check the taxi lights? After the new update there are many in place (which I never placed myself). A new problem reported from many users (and of course it happened to many addons already released). It seems like something to the light rows?
The current SDK has made a few changes to the Light Rows. On the one hand you can change the default distance of 60m. And on the other hand, you can set the light rows so that the lights are now displayed on the vertices.

After the last update of the MSFS there was a mess with the taxi lights. Now, after setting the new parameters in the light rows, the taxi lights are displayed as I always wanted them to be. There are now more or all lights to be seen:

I just had also CTD while compiling or loading a project I've been working on this afternoon, but I am not using any ProjectedMesh. Here's what I found after 1 hour of troubleshooting:
- duplicating objets add a displayName=" (copy)" element in the xml.
- duplicating again and again the same object will add lenghty elements such as displayName=" (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)"
this eventually leads to a CTD when trying to compile.

Removing all displayName=" (copy).... from my xml solved the problem.
Luckily I found your solution that worked for me. Thank you for sharing:) The compiler digests copy, copy....