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DEM data - cannot create BGL

I have DEM data of Canada. My INF file will not create the BGL file. There are no errors. I have added and deleted optional parameters and the file "compiles" for 7 hours , down to 30 minutes. I must be doing something wrong. The example files compile. My data compiles with the FS9 SDK resample.exe within 10 seconds.

Here is the INF File. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

; Resample INFormation file
; Variations test

Type = Multisource
NumberOfSources = 2

Type = Raw
Layer = Elevation
SourceDir = "SourceData"
SourceFile = "040p04e.raw"
nCols= 1201
nRows= 1201
ULXMAP = -81.75
ULYMap = 43.25
XDIM = 0.000208160
YDIM = 0.000208160

Type = Raw
Layer = Elevation
SourceDir = "SourceData"
SourceFile = "040p04w.raw"
nCols= 1201
nRows= 1201
ULXMAP = -82.00
ULYMap = 43.25
XDIM = 0.000208160
YDIM = 0.000208160

DestDir = "Output"
DestBaseFileName = "040p04"
DestFileType = BGL
LOD = Auto
UseSourceDimensions = 0
Maybe the resample try to make a file with a LOD number too big.
Try to fix the LOD=9 (or 8,10 to make from 8 to 10)
Hi ronh.

Just curious, but why are you using boundingcell? Why not just UseSourceDimensions=1?

At any rate, I don't think you would specify both bounding cells and lat-long in the destination.

I'd use this:

Type = Multisource
NumberOfSources = 2

Type = Raw
Layer = Elevation
SourceDir = "SourceData"
SourceFile = "040p04e.raw"
nCols= 1201
nRows= 1201
ULXMAP = -81.75
ULYMap = 43.25
XDIM = 0.000208160
YDIM = 0.000208160

Type = Raw
Layer = Elevation
SourceDir = "SourceData"
SourceFile = "040p04w.raw"
nCols= 1201
nRows= 1201
ULXMAP = -82.00
ULYMap = 43.25
XDIM = 0.000208160
YDIM = 0.000208160

DestDir = "Output"
DestBaseFileName = "040p04"
LOD = Auto
UseSourceDimensions = 1

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Thanks Dick and marcoh,

I feel that there is a bug in resample for FSX and raw BSQ files. I have increase and decreased the LOD and used UseSourceDimensions=1 etc.

I finally got it to work, but I had to change my dem data to GeoTiff and not RAW BSQ. The raw data BSQ worked fine using FS9 resample but I wanted to use FSX resample.

So now I have to concentrate on the US Canada border as the DEM data is 0 MSL for the overlapping parts in the US.

Thanks for the replies.
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Here is the INF File. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

; Resample INFormation file
; Variations test

Type = Multisource
NumberOfSources = 2

Type = Raw
Layer = Elevation
SourceDir = "SourceData"
SourceFile = "040p04e.raw"
nCols= 1201
nRows= 1201
ULXMAP = -81.75
ULYMap = 43.25
XDIM = 0.000208160
YDIM = 0.000208160

Shouldn't nBands be 2 for 16 bit elevation data?

scott s.
also, shouldn't be XDIM and YDIM = 0.0002083333 for 0.25x0.25deg data with 1201x1201 vertexes? (this note is of course only for perfectionists, I believe that the results will be acceptable also with the little bit unprecise value 1200/1201 smaller) :)

Vlada Stoje
Shouldn't nBands be 2 for 16 bit elevation data?

scott s.


Thanks for the tip. but,

I do get a BGL file with nBands=2, but smaller - would this mean a faster loading with raw data than Geotiff. I thought the nbands would be the number of rows - hence 1201.

It does not compile in 10 seconds like FS9 resample but it does create a file.

Where did you find the definition of nBands?

I use read_dem to convert dem to BSQ. I use 3dem to convert dem to GeoTiff.


Agree - my math was wrong and now use 2.0833334E-4

*********** EDIT ************

Okay my terrain seems to work with the change to nBands = 2. I can now start merging US data and Canadian data for the border area. Scott thanks for pointing this out. I running 1 arc second data from US in the Niagara Falls area, because the Canadian data Maps US terrain elevation to 0 MSL.
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After thinking about this, I think maybe I was wrong and nBands should be 1. the reason is that a "band" for elevation data is 16 bits. Here is the header file for some USGS BIL-format elevation data:

NROWS 5220
NCOLS 7200

Resample doesn't have the "nBits" option, but probably by specifying Layer=elevation resample interprets the data as 16 bit.

I have to admit I have been exporting my data from Global Mapper in 16-bit GeoTiff since it is so easy to write the .inf for it. The only problem is that I don't have any image editing software which understands this format. I have a back-burner project going to try to use some SRTM -3 data to fill a hole in SRTM - 1, but it needs some smoothing.

scott s.
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I use 3dem. This program takes my canadian DEM data and converts to GEOTiff. I agree inf file easier with GeoTiff.

I downloaded US data 1" as GeoTiff directly. Now I need to look at 1/3 and 1/9, but later when I get my new octo quad core 32.0 GHz :eek: Nvidia 108900 :p

thanks again for the help - will need to see nBands=1 works.

************ Edit *************

using nBands = 1 makes the files the same size as using GeoTiff - so no advantage of RAW vs. GeoTiff - Go GeoTiff it's an easier inf file.
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Old problem

Hi, Ron

Certainly, you solved you mesh problem and perhaps may help me.

I compiled 3 areas around a default FSX mesh area that I must preserv, since it has a special mesh information (SBRJ - Sugar Loaf, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

I tried to follow the following instructions from FSX SDK to create 3 sources and 1 destination INF files, so I would expect only one bgl, but it did not work the way I thought.

Multiple .inf  files are  allowed because  it is  possible for  the [Source] and
[Destination] sections to be in separate files. This is convenient when you want
to generate different resolutions  of data from a  single source file. Build  an
.inf  file  for the  source  data and  multiple  .inf files  with  [Destination]
sections  for  each destination  file.

If you know how to compile many sources in one bgl or how to merge FSX bgl´s, please, give me some directions on those.

Best regards,
