• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Do you need license to make an airport?

Hi guys! I would like to ask.

Do you need license to create an airport to sell it?

Hope to get your replies!
I make a scenery (EBBL Kleine Brogel) 2 years ago and i post it at Flightsim, Avsim and Simviation .
The best what you can do is make a list with all the names of people who help you, who give information, the scenery objects you use...
That list you put in the scenery map, (people like it) to read .

Be carefully with photo backgrounds like Google earth, Via Michelin ...
The rule is that you ask permission .

But ...
making a scenery to sell it ?
Is a payware scenery really necessary ?
is freeware not better ?
Can you make a scenery that is really so nice and good that you can sell it ?

It is now up to you .
It is your scenery, so you make the decision .

I wish you good luck and let us know what your decision is pls .
And of course post pics pls .


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You will need to go to the Ministry of Simulation and file a GN-232/B Airport Registration Permit and also check that your 3D Program Permit is also in order. If not, file for one of those. Usually takes 30 days. Then you will also need the 'Rights to Release' (said airport) Permissions Document, #76553 N-22/W. If you sell this, you will need a VAT license, VAT ID number, permissions from the president of VAT, a blood sample filed with VAT, DNA testing documentation ID placement, and lastly, you will need to be inverviewed the Ministry of Sanity to see if you qualify for 51% sanity for getting into Simulation projects. They may direct you to an Asylum for any work that you might need carried out on you. Sometimes they will also send you to the Ministry of Funny Walks, but I hear that is only a rumor.

Did you file a Request to Request a question concerning Permissions and Requests posts at the Ministry of Posting Questions about Simulations before posting this post? You'll need that too.
You will need to go to the Ministry of Simulation and file a GN-232/B Airport Registration Permit and also check that your 3D Program Permit is also in order. If not, file for one of those. Usually takes 30 days. Then you will also need the 'Rights to Release' (said airport) Permissions Document, #76553 N-22/W. If you sell this, you will need a VAT license, VAT ID number, permissions from the president of VAT, a blood sample filed with VAT, DNA testing documentation ID placement, and lastly, you will need to be inverviewed the Ministry of Sanity to see if you qualify for 51% sanity for getting into Simulation projects. They may direct you to an Asylum for any work that you might need carried out on you. Sometimes they will also send you to the Ministry of Funny Walks, but I hear that is only a rumor.

Ahh the bureaucracy! Nice reference to Monty Python!
You will need to go to the Ministry of Simulation and file a GN-232/B Airport Registration Permit and also check that your 3D Program Permit is also in order. If not, file for one of those. Usually takes 30 days. Then you will also need the 'Rights to Release' (said airport) Permissions Document, #76553 N-22/W. If you sell this, you will need a VAT license, VAT ID number, permissions from the president of VAT, a blood sample filed with VAT, DNA testing documentation ID placement, and lastly, you will need to be inverviewed the Ministry of Sanity to see if you qualify for 51% sanity for getting into Simulation projects. They may direct you to an Asylum for any work that you might need carried out on you. Sometimes they will also send you to the Ministry of Funny Walks, but I hear that is only a rumor.

Did you file a Request to Request a question concerning Permissions and Requests posts at the Ministry of Posting Questions about Simulations before posting this post? You'll need that too.

That's it! I give up! :)
You will need to go to the Ministry of Simulation and file a GN-232/B Airport Registration Permit and also check that your 3D Program Permit is also in order. If not, file for one of those. Usually takes 30 days. Then you will also need the 'Rights to Release' (said airport) Permissions Document, #76553 N-22/W. If you sell this, you will need a VAT license, VAT ID number, permissions from the president of VAT, a blood sample filed with VAT, DNA testing documentation ID placement, and lastly, you will need to be inverviewed the Ministry of Sanity to see if you qualify for 51% sanity for getting into Simulation projects. They may direct you to an Asylum for any work that you might need carried out on you. Sometimes they will also send you to the Ministry of Funny Walks, but I hear that is only a rumor.

Did you file a Request to Request a question concerning Permissions and Requests posts at the Ministry of Posting Questions about Simulations before posting this post? You'll need that too.

Gawd, was that funny, Bill :laughing:!

< Must... post... this... can't help myself ! > :D

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You will need to go to the Ministry of Simulation and file a GN-232/B Airport Registration Permit and also check that your 3D Program Permit is also in order. If not, file for one of those. Usually takes 30 days. Then you will also need the 'Rights to Release' (said airport) Permissions Document, #76553 N-22/W. If you sell this, you will need a VAT license, VAT ID number, permissions from the president of VAT, a blood sample filed with VAT, DNA testing documentation ID placement, and lastly, you will need to be inverviewed the Ministry of Sanity to see if you qualify for 51% sanity for getting into Simulation projects. They may direct you to an Asylum for any work that you might need carried out on you. Sometimes they will also send you to the Ministry of Funny Walks, but I hear that is only a rumor.

Did you file a Request to Request a question concerning Permissions and Requests posts at the Ministry of Posting Questions about Simulations before posting this post? You'll need that too.

Aw shucks, my sanity permit expired at least two years ago!

Wait a sec, I only do freeware. I don't need all this friggin' paperwork, hah!
Aw shucks, my sanity permit expired at least two years ago!

We used to need one of those but all the inspectors that issued them went mad with the stress of the job
Aw shucks, my sanity permit expired at least two years ago!

Wait those expire? Darn and blast mine has probably been revoked too in that case... Gotta go get an appointment at the MOS (Ministery for Simulations) again and then head over so the Sanity department... Bwegh such a lot of work for a small licence.
SSL... (Simulation Sanity License; given only to those found competent and mentally stable enough to juggle polka-dots commonly called Vertices into object looking things that one places in a computer SIMULATION to make one think they are somewhere that they are not).
SSL... (Simulation Sanity License; given only to those found competent and mentally stable enough to juggle polka-dots commonly called Vertices into object looking things that one places in a computer SIMULATION to make one think they are somewhere that they are not).

The fact you have to estimate a polycount from an oil stain for the mental examination and then have to take a multiple choice test with questions like: 'What's your main interrest?'

A - Toast
B - Trains
C - Cars
D - Serving the benefits of the Aviation community by developing whatever it is you think the aviation enthiousiast wants, needs or should have.

(I failed that test the first time)

Then there's the background check and all that, really it's rigorous and time consuming before you can even open Blender (or what ever you use) and say right... euhm... what was it I was going to do again?
Ahh yes.... Ambient Occlusion. Developed by Industrial Light and Magic for movies via CG work. The program that creates and generates photon bombardment on close objects, creating high realism (very high realism) shading.

I fought for years to make shading realistic in VC's. Then I heard about AO. My world changed. I saved for 2 years to get Max. I love burning an AO map. Something special about hitting OK, and the program starts making its AO map. Progress bars start filling, but slowly, as I have high settings. (I want my money's worth on my Ambient Occlusions). Then when its done, copy/paste into the PSD, and Voila... Seemless shading on parts. What a blessing that is. Star Wars technology in game object mapping. WE are indeed living in the future. 2016...... (and still, no flying cars... that can hover silently, with gravity engines in them running on zero point energy devices).
Although AO is nice, it won't ever be realistic until it is dynamic! Static just won't cut it... :rotfl:
Although AO is nice, it won't ever be realistic until it is dynamic! Static just won't cut it... :rotfl:

But dynamic AO would be inferior to dynamic shadows, as the entire idea of AO is a compromise of various shadows...? So all that can ever replace the static AO, an avergare or compromise of all possible shadows, is dynamic shadowing...
Well, to me, I think it works quite well with a nice running shading system like P3D has. It does 'help' FSX. Once you fly in the VC shading in P3D, its so hard to go back to FSX VC's.
But you'll still need that sanity permit for dynamic airport VC AO shadowing. Er ... where were we??