Hi David,
Have you read my post above, I think it's number 28, because I haven't heard from you. Here's the post below:
Hi David,
Thanks for posting your work flow on these instructions. I did learn one thing. The one thing I was doing wrong was that I was using Sketchup to create the texture, which I probably could have, but I noticed you were using Photoshop to create the texture. Then you used Sketcup to make the plane. That cleared some things up. I don't have Photoshop yet so I used Gimp, but I had to figure out how to use it. I've noticed in Photoshop you don't have to go through several menus just to open, or do a certain thing. All the tools and buttons are right there at your disposal. I followed all the things you posted and I'm still not getting anywhere with it. Well, I've done everything up to where I use IS3. Let me explain everything I did and maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong, or have not done, in order to get the results.
I created the texture in Gimp. Then I open Sketchup, imported the texture onto a plain as you described. But I did not raise it few centimeters as explained in one video. I exported and saved it as a dae, or collada file onto my desktop. I opened MCX and imported it. I opened the Material Editor and changed the Z-bias to 2, clicked the button to set to power of 2s, saved the textures, and exported the model. When I exported the model, I used the Export Object button and not the Export Scenery button. Next, I opened the Library Creator XML. But I'm confused and don't understand the purpose for this, but I did follow your instruction. You said to add the tile model and compile it. Well, I've downloaded the development version 3.0 but this one dose not have a Compile button. But the version 2 has a Compile button. I watched Arnos video tutorial on how to use this version and he's made some changes. From what I understand from Arno's video, and correct me if I'm wrong, I clicked the "Save Library" button and a dialog box pops up which contains the 2 fields, Save Library BGL and Save Library XML. So, apparently, this is where I save it as a bgl file. But the problem is that I'm not sure if I'm supposed to save these to a certain folder. From what I understand from Arno's video, It sound like he said save it to any folder you want, but correct me if I'm wrong. I just saved it to a folder on my desktop. At first, you said to place the bgl and texture in the corresponding KDFW folders, then you said to place the bgl and the texture in the KDFW Scenery folder. I think you meant to say place the bgl in the Scenery folder and the texture in the Texture folder, and that's what I did. Everything seemed to work up to this point. When I load the simulator and open the IS3, I don't see my created ground texture in the menu that pops up when you open IS3. It's nowhere in that list of scenery objects, so I'm not doing something right. I wasted hours trying to figure out why it's not showing up but I have not figured out why. Could you explain?
Oh buy the way, what is the Z - bias for? Is that for raising the plain 2 millimeters or centimeters?