hello everyone:
ok here it goes the new problem with ground2k4:
im following the tutorial that creates the monaco coast (sorry i dont remember the author's name) and so far im stuck at the create a polygon i have to click two buttons
1.Click on the “Road/river/lake” icon on the toolbar. All the related icons will now be available
2.Click on the “New object” icon
3.Place the mouse at the initial position of your new coast.
after this instruction i make the click on the map and a message in french pops up saying:
'error 339'
"Le composant 'TABCTL32.OCX' ou une de ses dependances nest pas correctement enregistre: un ficher est absent ou incorrect"
click OK, and then the program crashes...
any ideas guys.... i got the 5.33 version and nothing is happening, am i skipping something? or missing??
thnx in advance!!!!! hope somebody got the answer for this!
ok here it goes the new problem with ground2k4:
im following the tutorial that creates the monaco coast (sorry i dont remember the author's name) and so far im stuck at the create a polygon i have to click two buttons
1.Click on the “Road/river/lake” icon on the toolbar. All the related icons will now be available
2.Click on the “New object” icon
3.Place the mouse at the initial position of your new coast.
after this instruction i make the click on the map and a message in french pops up saying:
'error 339'
"Le composant 'TABCTL32.OCX' ou une de ses dependances nest pas correctement enregistre: un ficher est absent ou incorrect"
click OK, and then the program crashes...
any ideas guys.... i got the 5.33 version and nothing is happening, am i skipping something? or missing??
thnx in advance!!!!! hope somebody got the answer for this!