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MSFS24 Fetching all waypoint/flight plan info?

Building an app (c#) to fetch waypoint info of the current mission I'm in. The goal is to host a site at localhost:port with a latitude js map on which I can draw all the points, and the plane position (similar to EFB), so I can monitor my overall flight progress without having the EFB open or at that specific view.

If I use SimConnect_RequestFacilitesList with SIMCONNECT_FACILITY_LIST_TYPE_WAYPOINT, I only get a few waypoints (cached I suppose?), which are not actually the ones from the flight plan. Is there another way of doing it?

As a temporary workaround I'm using the custom mission flight plan and flt files generated when the mission starts, parse the waypoint names and try to fetch their coordinates using skyvector.com API. This works ok mostly, but some waypoint names are used only by MSFS so obviously those wont return anything, so I have to connect the previous with the next etc.
There's a 200km limit to the reality bubble. Are you trying to retrieve info that is further away from the aircraft than 200km?
Indeed I probably am. I was under the impression waypoints wouldn't be part of the bubble, similar to airports but I guess they are.

So I suppose there's no other way using the sdk?
No. I do know that the reality bubble isn't a sudden cut-off at 200km as I wrote a P3D METAR decoder that is picking up weather stations at about 220km out.
Hello, you may find the following threads "interesting:"


Note that there are (new/expanded) JS and WASM APIs for route planning/info (links summarized in this post), but that doesn't help if only using SimConnect. (Perhaps something to add to my WASimCommander remote interface project.)
Thanks for the information. I don't see a direct way for me to overcome the issue for now, so best way would be to indeed use:
flt and pln files and try to make out the information from there with the help of skyvector's api.
And actually the ones that are not retrievable, such as 2186N in:

        <ATCWaypoint id="NUDAL">
        <ATCWaypoint id="2186N">
        <ATCWaypoint id="GOSUL">

2186N actually means 21N, 86W

so I can try to parse them this way.