May as well share more of the progress
Focussing on finishing small parts one at a time soon adds up, doesn't require a tremendous amount of time either, just care and attention, think MSFS24 has given me renewed motivation.
Revisions to the wheels - now in final form, now with the perpendicular folding handle. An optimised ballast board is almost ready for a home in the control car
Control car girder work is ~90% complete, in varnished blue for now for easy viewing of flaws - most will be silver for the finished article. The first of the sliding/folding windows also as placeholder is in for test
Integration is going well, placeholder controls and furniture save on part count when working (these files get big fast with massive amounts of detail). Large amounts of the detail you see here will be stripped soon, as they are the non viewing faces but these are left till the last to ensure proper placement
New single part undercarriage shrowd that I am now very happy with, took long enough -.- , internals girders and struts in the gear here are older placeholders and not the superdetailed variants yet. Looks quite the part on the ship that said, alongside a lot of lower fin work refining curves and adding details like the grab handles, windows and the right hand side door (contrasting colour here for work purposes - skin coloured on the final)
Adding the finer detail to the external hull is nearly done, upper hull and fins are basically done now, all windows are in, the last thing really are the various hatches for ropes/cargo etc, vent holes and waste tank bumps. Guttering I will leave to textures I think for now. Engine pods I am treating as their own project - being detached from the ship has advantages, whilst no new updates today for them, I am progressing with the finer details.
I have also done a little bit of work refining the gas cell shapes, this is also still placeholder as I want them to match the actual total volume of 201K/m3 in the final version - can only get them to 198K/m3 for now. And finally, given the reaction to the last post, some framework, with the placeholder main deck and new undercarriage on the control car for show - interior is further along than that but is on pause whilst I work on the important bits. Keel corridor and jut outs for the main deck bulges not in the framework yet - that is partially done though
Sorry I'm taking an age