I'm new to this forum and not sure if someone is still bothered with this topic but I'll try anyway I guess, hope it's no problem if this is a bit longer post.
I installed MS Flight about 1 1/2 months ago and having done basicly everything there is to do in game I thought I'll get those last Aerocaches from the world map, now to the problem I always encounter when trying to convert the fsx world to MS Flight:
I run cmd as admin and enter this command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Flight Tools\Flight Toolkit\ContentConverter.exe" FSX /i:"D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\FSX" /o:"C:\FlightTemp" /a
I have FSX SE installed on my second HDD because I'm running short on storage on my SSD but that still has 17 GB of storage left so it should be enough for the temp folder and install right?
It starts converting all the files and everything looks like it's going fine, however at one point it stops and I get this error in the last few lines:
Loading MDL...
Determining optimal material set
Unbehandelte Ausnahme: System.AccessViolationException: Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben. Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.
bei DetermineMaterialShaderPipeline(Model* , Material* )
bei FlightToolkit.OptimizeMaterials(Model* pModel, ConversionOptions* pConversionOptions, unordered_map<int\,int\,std::hash<int>\,std::equal_to<int>\,std::allocator<std:
air<int const \,int> > >* mapOldToNewMaterials, vector<MDL::Material\,std::allocator<MDL::Material> >* vecNewMaterials, vector<int\,std::allocator<int> >* vecMaterialVertexDataFlags)
bei FlightToolkit.ModelConverter.ConvertMDL(Stream stream, String path, IEnumerable`1 textureSearchPaths, String tspName, ILogger logger, OutputTextureFormat outputTextureFormat, Boolean useMDLGuidAsMaterialVariationID, Boolean modelOnly)
bei FlightToolkit.SceneryConverter.ConvertFSXSceneryToFlight(String fsxSceneryCfgPath, String fsxTerrainCfgPath, String outputRootPath, HashSet`1 filesToSkip, HashSet`1 vegetationGroupings, IEnumerable`1 lclookupBgls, ILogger logger, IProgress`1 progress)
bei ContentConverter.Program.Main(String[] args)
My system language is set to german so sorry for that inconvenience but to give you a quick translation:
Unbehandelte Ausnahme=untreated exception
Es wurde versucht, im geschützten Speicher zu lesen oder zu schreiben.=It was tried to read/write in protected memory
Dies ist häufig ein Hinweis darauf, dass anderer Speicher beschädigt ist.=It is often a sign that your memory is damaged
edit: no it is not I also checked that possibility with windows tool in hard drive properties, but I could also check with 3rd party software if you guys think that's of any help
Further info: ALL DLC's from the Addon Manager are installed including WorldUI and the by my knowledge converted aircraft like the b58 baron, the temp folder is totally empty in the outgoing folder, FSX SE is new install and wasn't even started once before I tried converting it the first time, I did start it up to check if that makes any difference with files it usually installs when opened the first time (no it doesn't still the same error)
Any bit of help would be great, I'm trying to get this to run for nearly a week now with no success, couldn't resist trying out FSX SE in the meantime since I just recently got it in a sale but I could make a new install if you come up with any ideas to get this to run, FSX is full vanilla till now and only did a bit of free flight and tutorial missions so I guess that wouldn't really make a difference anyway?
Thanks for reading!