• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

fs8 gamepack + cat + fsregen (brainwashed)

People, I feel like i've been brainwashed. I had previously sucessfully exported from gMax fs2002 gamepack a jetway animation, CAT'ed it, FSRegen'ed it and made some minor tweaks so it could be compiled. It seems it no longer works. Or I've been brainwashed and cannot remember the correct way. If I remember correctly, there was two way, one to re-cat the file after adding to FSRegen and the other was to edit the _0.asm file and change BGL_TICK18 into tick18 or vice-versa, can't remember which, but I tried all I described above and still nothing. I use BGLC 7. I tried viewing the older _0.asm files that I had compiled before but couldn't notice the difference. Any light on this?

Just run CAT (CAT2k in your case) again, after you have added the file to your FsRegen library. That should undo the faulty changes FsRegen has made to the ASM file.
Ok got it working but this is what was done:

1: Export the animation from gMax
2: CAT the animation
3: Save the _cat_0.asm file in a separate folder
4: FSRegen the file
5: Replace new cat, fsregen'ed file with cat file from separate folder.
6: Edit _cat_0.asm file and replace BGL_TICK18 with tick18

Voilá. It works :)
Just for other people, it should also work if you do it like this:

  1. Export from GMax
  2. Run CAT2k on the ASM file
  3. Add the new CAT'ed ASM file to FsRegen
  4. Rerun CAT2k on the ASM file
  5. Recompile the FsRegen library, with the CAT ASM file that should be overwritten again by now